Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] just [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cut off a piece of plant just below the place where the leaves join the stem .
2 I love those ones where there 's a piece of cloth just with a safety pin or something like that .
3 There 's been recent reassessment of the traditional picture of the enforced flight from the labour force to domesticity on the part of women just after the war , and far from a flight , large-scale recruitment to the new industries in the early 1950s now seems to present a more historically accurate picture .
4 bit of Araldite just on the end of the thread is
5 The only area in which it loses out to the deeper-bodied F-model is on sheer projection , and I could well imagine some players foregoing that extra bit of welly just for the comfort and convenience of the LSE 's thin body .
6 So you had a bit of swamp just off the bottom of your garden
7 They drew up with a rasp of gravel just behind the trailer , and Sergeant Allen 's head popped out as if on a string .
8 It would be a foolish and expensive form of self-indulgence to pay for a course of treatment just for the pleasure of making up fancy tales about previous incarnations .
9 The bruise was a dull , greenish sickle of shadow just under the cheek-bone and then a comma of purple on the side of the nose , as if Culley had been wearing ill-fitting glasses .
10 Sulgrave Manor is situated in the village of Sulgrave just off the B4525 road from Banbury to Northampton , 7 miles N.E. of Banbury .
11 With this issue on sale just before the ADT London Marathon , we 've packed in pages of practical information about after the race .
12 Steve Mardenborough then broke through with a clear run on goal just before the whistle , but his control let him down and Adkins saved at his feet .
13 Bypass go-ahead at last but pressure group favours rail link The long-awaited Guisborough bypass was officially given the go-ahead by Cleveland county council on Tuesday just as a transport group called for a re-think on the multi-million pound scheme .
14 The availability of work at terminals just to the north led to a much greater increase in construction workers ( 82% compared with 18% ) in the western sector ( KW14.7 ) than in the eastern sector ( KW 14,8 ) , so that by 1981 their levels had become similar .
15 There 's a marvellous moment of stasis just before the final presto of this first movement ( a riveting tenuto E natural in the violins ) , while the finale is particularly notable for the rapture of its luminous string transformation ( dolcissimo ) in the central maestoso ) .
16 Any decision given on review attracts a further right of appeal just like the original decision .
17 The most serious problem remaining for 5 Corps was thus that posed by the approach of the main body of Croat troops ( reported as being 200,000 in number ) , accompanied by huge numbers of Croat civilians , who were attempting to escape into Austria via Dravograd , towards the small town of Bleiburg just inside the Austrian frontier .
18 An old-fashioned view of speech communication would be that what the speaker intends to say is coded , or represented , as a string of phonemes just like a phonemic transcription , and what a hearer hears is also converted by the brain from sound waves into a similar string of phonemes .
19 She 'd progressed from a rather lowly start to her present place on the team with IMP just at the time when the true importance of the fuel companies and their technicians was beginning to be appreciated by the general public , or at least those aficionados who followed the world of Grand Prix racing .
20 Like the meeting in London just after the death of Edmund Ironside , it hints at a realisation on Cnut 's part that his rule would to a degree depend on English support .
21 the surface of light just over the border .
22 She had given her a tiny dose of medicine just before the explosion , and now Julia closed her eyes .
23 The most vital thing is that the club is run from top to bottom just like a winning team .
24 I 've taken someone this afternoon from Highdown just until the half term when they should go to a special school .
25 Humiliating him in that little paddock of privacy just outside the back of the house where he would try so hard to keep all that remained of his dignity and self-esteem .
26 The word ‘ federal ’ burst into the European debate in Britain just before the Luxembourg summit in June 1991 .
27 Cambridge University lecturer Carl Swann , 36 , had checked in at Amsterdam 's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester just before an El Al cargo plane hit a nearby block of flats .
28 But the parents were stranded on the lift on chairs just behind the accident scene for half an hour before they were rescued .
29 Flags of all nations hung like gibbeted criminals from a row of poles just under the roof .
30 When they were switched on the lights flooded out across the bare , flat expanse of moorland just beyond the perimeter of their property .
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