Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] now [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A great deal of work now needs to be done to work out the details of the new arrangements .
2 The fulcrum of action now shifted from the society to the committee in London .
3 The political future of Spain now depended on Ferdinand VII .
4 He envisages that a change in outlook may derive from appreciation of the complex event sequences that new techniques have now exposed in the Quaternary ; from appraisal of the classical models of change to accommodate the realization that extreme rapidity of change now has to be considered when evaluating chronological biotal and geomorphological processes ; from adjustment of geomorphology to new knowledge of Quaternary change such as rate of ice sheet growth and decay ; and similar adjustment of biogeography and of palaeoclimatology .
5 Said a spokesman : ‘ There is a positive wind of change now blowing through the club . ’
6 An action in rem now lay against the trustee , where earlier law had allowed only an action in personam .
7 The direction of change now depends on the considerations discussed earlier , except that any change in ( ) feeds back to .
8 Flavia was thinking of the monstrous mass of tuberoses now reposing inside that vast refrigerator under their paper veils .
9 But take a little bit of time now to think of a building , or a thing , or a place or an animal or a street Right
10 But with the tide of war now running against the Allies , many of the natives decided to join the winning side , just as they had in Dutch Timor the previous winter .
11 Chain migration on this pattern is reported for a wide variety of people now living in Britain , including those who originated in Italy , Hong Kong , the Punjab and Pakistan ( Palmer , 1977 ; Watson , 1977 ; Ballard , 1979 ; Anwar , 1985 ) .
12 Glimpsing into her daughter 's area — the strip of wall now hung with strange prints in clip frames and Ruth 's own latest exotic work , the mirror , the bells and shawls , flowers and cage and even , just above the chest , the white face of a dock which did not go Rachaela saw Scarabae .
13 The backlog of inquiries now stands at more than 5,700 , representing work worth between £30m and £40m .
14 The pay range for Lecturers now runs from £12,638 to £31,726 .
15 Now , they have come round to adopting the Indian selection policy with the ever-improving off-spin of Hick now regarded as part of their frontline attack .
16 Neither of them had taken the slightest notice of my movements , except that Mr Parsons was already in my empty chair , and the two of them , with Ewen Mackay 's flask of whisky now standing between them , were talking about salmon fishing .
17 This was considered to have been a miracle , and the statue of Our Lady of Monte now stands in the centre of the high altar of the church in Monte .
18 This type of technology now exists in all major American cities .
19 A small bouquet of flowers now lies on the spot where Mr Claridge fell to earth .
20 The Anglo-Dutch fleet pursued the beaten French as they withdrew and the Battle of Barfleur now merged with the Battle of La Hogue [ or La Hougue ] by which name both are sometimes known .
21 Is such a level of reliability and degree of assurance now going to be expected in the preparation and audit of annual accounts ?
22 It is a question of trust , and if the quantity of information now shared through the clearinghouses is any measure , then the clearinghouses have generally succeeded in this respect .
23 He says it 'll be great relief — really good because as you can see by the column of traffic now coming through this small tiny town it 's crazy .
24 The question of quality now needs to be addressed .
25 However , Mr Barber reports that the number of people planning to retire to a home in France now accounts for some 50% of enquiries .
26 The principal focus of attention now turned to particular Soviet industries , calling for the analysis of specialised technical journals and monographs , which had never been looked at previously by Western researchers .
27 The relatively cumbersome medium of microfilm has never presented the sort of opportunities now presented by digitisation , for bringing together collections of complementary material which have been physically separated for decades or even centuries .
28 The point of contention now appears to be how institutions may be affected .
29 It may be that they are in fact onycophorans , a group of arthropods now represented by caterpillar-like velvet worms that burrow through dead wood in Australia .
30 The Mamprusi kingdom is one of a group of kingdoms now incorporated into Ghana , Togo and Bourguina Fasso .
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