Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The negotiations allowed Bouterse to adopt an increased political role at the expense of the civilian government , but on Feb. 14 , 1990 , he handed the mandate for negotiations back to the government claiming that the government was not supporting him fully .
2 Regeneration of energy back into the industry was healthy and it created jobs for young people in the industry ’ .
3 I put the piece of meat back into the mess tin .
4 If we sample one of these cavities in which the process is er which produce boils er are going on , almost inevitably we find this organism staphylococcusorius and offspotulates have been clearly fulfilled with organism and this disease most notably by a bunch of of medical students who are subjected to all sorts of tortures by their professor of microbiology back in the nineteen fifties .
5 Yelling the news to Douglas , who was swording with Sir Walter Comyn , Ramsay dashed through the struggling mass of men back for the stairway , Down he raced , two steps at a time , and out again into the night .
6 So never mind what the executive amends , recommend , stick your hand up for three eight eight and three eight nine and give a bit of power back to the people .
7 We hope that you enjoy some benefit from your NCT membership and that you might be prepared to give a little bit of time back to the branch occasionally .
8 We hope that you enjoy some benefit from your NCT membership and that you might be prepared to give a little bit of time back to the branch occasionally .
9 Bounce light is aimed upwards at the walls and ceiling for reflection back onto the subject below .
10 Out there is a whole world full of garbage and it gives me ulcers to throw one more shred of scum back on the heap . ’
11 Lying down increases the return of blood back to the heart and brain .
12 Whatever , you ca n't apply the urban type of capital back onto the land , so it 's okay to say this would work if capital was completely and perfectly mobile , but it is n't so , you do n't get that and you do n't get balanced growth of that .
13 The Chieftain attribute identifies the lexicographer who is permitted to approve the transfer of material back to the main archive , and to reallocate ‘ ownership ’ of bundles of entries .
14 To undo this moment — to force time backwards — to be again at the moment of choice back at the house …
15 After a time ( or if disturbed ) this living globe breaks up and disappears like a rain of silver back into the depths of the sea .
16 Analysing the substantial drift of evacuees back to the danger areas , the Air Raid Precautions Co-ordinating Committee concluded that ‘ a detailed examination of available materials shows the basic cause to be the failure of the scheme to take account of either the viewpoint or the welfare of those concerned , be they evacuee or host ’ .
17 The creation of a currency union by encouraging a shift of resources back to the manufacturing sectors is likely to result in an increase of the average productivity growth rate of member countries and , again , in a decline of their respective natural rates of unemployment .
18 Critics charged that the change would lead to a greater inequalities in the provision of welfare , but the shift of power back to the states was generally welcomes .
19 From the end of the 1970s modern normality was restored with a shift of population back to the South-East at the expense of more peripheral areas .
20 They ran like a group of children back to the house .
21 But again they are an ancient group with ancestors back in the Carboniferous forest , a melting pot for plant evolution .
22 Yet soon the glutinous entity was withdrawing far from his head , allowing him to see it squeezing portion by portion back into the ventilation system .
23 The wartime allies have officially handed control of Berlin back to the Berliners ; the two Germanies will become a single nation at the stroke of midnight .
24 Veins can be identified by their faintly blue colour and they may be made to stand out by restricting the flow of blood back to the heart .
25 The Revenue Commissioners and senior officials of the Department of Finance also advised against the idea because of the difficulty in implementing the scheme and policing the flow of funds back into the country .
26 headquarters , left strict instructions about what news and reports should be channelled to his home number immediately , and what could wait , and drove with the exaggerated care and deliberation of sleeplessness back towards the village of Comerford , uncomfortably in transition to a suburban area , where he , and the unhappy parents of the boy Boden , lived within three doors of each other .
27 A constant theme in research concerned with the hospital care of older people is the discharge from hospital back to the community .
28 Corbett moved the cup of ale back across the table .
29 In other cases where British judges have been unable to reconcile Community and national law they have thrown the burden of responsibility back upon the government and suggested that the applicants sue the government for breach of a Community obligation under Case C-6190 and C-9190 Francovich and Bonifaci v Italy [ 1992 ] IRLR 84 .
30 The next wave broke with a crash and a swirl and a dangerous-looking suck of water back into the channel .
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