Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [v-ing] to be " in BNC.

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1 Etzioni formulates a hypothesis about organizations seeking to be effective : that they will shift their compliance structure towards one in which there is greater congruence between power and involvement , either by changing the nature of the power employed ( e.g. from sanctions to ‘ leadership ’ ) or the participants involved ( e.g. by recruitment methods ) ( Etzioni 1961 ) .
2 Jimmy and Alison ended the play as playmates pretending to be squirrels and bears .
3 In primary sclerosing cholangitis standard liver function tests may improve after diagnosis — a result of diagnosis tending to be at times of maximal abnormality in a fluctuating course and likely therefore to be followed by a period of partial remission .
4 There is no change in the proportion of directors claiming to be more optimistic .
5 In November 1883 a quantity of bottles purporting to be Champagne made by Deutz & Geldermann attracted attention in Munich .
6 If that can be done with improved efficiency with the whole range of services continuing to be carried out , there is no reason why the Secretary of State for Wales should not dive approval to such a scheme .
7 The other exception is that , under RSC Ord 22 , r7(2) , any party may bring the attention of the court to the fact that a payment in has or has not been made and the date ( but not the amount ) of such payment where the question of the costs of the issue of liability falls to be decided , that issue having been tried and an issue of question of quantum remaining to be tried separately .
8 She would never have had the kind of success she 's had , with Broadway and so on , if she 'd stayed at home in England waiting to be asked .
9 She told them that a man had knocked on the door of her home in Hereford claiming to be from the council .
10 Refreshed , we drove on to Shwebo and had breakfast with a small group of SPG missionaries who had camped out there , looking after the stream of refugees hoping to be flown to India .
11 While there is a steady stream of visitors looking to be fed , the volunteers are also needing a steady stream of food , especially soup .
12 In spite of the old-fashioned view of leaders implied in this letter , there is , in the last analysis , no other position which can be put forward which does not depend on some group of leaders claiming to be more rational in their understanding of what human societies need in order to develop peacefully .
13 The commission is a preliminary vetting and investigatory body which , in addition to entertaining references from states parties themselves ( Art.24 ) , ‘ may receive petitions … from any person , non-governmental organisation or group of individuals claiming to be the victim of a violation by one of the High Contracting Parties … ’
14 Robb , the brilliant 20-year-old from Liverpool bidding to be the youngest-ever to take the two-lap crown , was always off the pace in the 800 metres , won by Kenyan William Tanui .
15 But there seemed nothing wrong with the head of government appearing to be the challenger on the hustings .
16 To read Barthes 's Mythologies is to make going on the London Underground an agonizing assault of messages begging to be decoded ; advertisements and dress styles proclaim loudly while faces remain blank and meaningless .
17 The Movement and Dance Liaison Group ( Greater London and S.E. Region ) is organising another Seminar on Disco Dancing to be given by Peggy Spencer at her Dance Studio on Sunday , 2nd January 1983 2.30 p.m. — 5.30 p.m .
18 Martin Braine found that if children between five and six years of age are shown a standard visual illusion — such as a stick in water appearing to be broken , by light refraction — they will distinguish correctly between ‘ looks ? ’ and ‘ really ? ’ questions , but that if they are asked the neutral question ‘ Is the stick straight or broken ? ’ they will say that it is broken .
19 There is thus no ground-swell of demand for traffic calming to be applied to those places that would benefit most , existing residential areas where accident rates are higher than in new estates .
20 The subassembly relationships can thus be established with the minimum of data needing to be extracted from CAD part files .
21 For Sun Yat-sen , the leader of the revolution , China was a slab of meat waiting to be carved up by foreign powers , a loose sheet of sand incapable of being coherently organised .
22 The lounge was crowded as they entered , pausing in the doorway to join the queue of people waiting to be introduced to the captain .
23 b ) enabling such grants to be made in respect of costs falling to be charged to accounts in respect of financial years ending after March 1993 but not later than March 1996 .
24 I remember small boys all wanting to be cowboys and the role of Indians having to be forced on the smaller ones .
25 This approach has been extended into the ‘ tick rate hypothesis ’ ( Humphreys & Revelle , 1984 ; Revelle , 1989 ) which considers the rate of information sampling to be the important underlying factor .
26 After this pretreatment , the sample is converted to a form suitable for the particular method of radiocarbon dating to be used .
27 William Empson , a lifelong and dedicated atheist , returned from the Far East in 1952 expecting to find little more demolition-work on religion needing to be done , at least among the lettered , and was horrified to discover that the devout spirit of T. S. Eliot , in his absence , had spawned a host of converts in the critical world .
28 In the midst of those terrifying complaint stories in Numbers is another chapter concerned with the offerings to be made once the people have occupied the Land , offerings which suggest a life of plenty waiting to be enjoyed there ( ch.
29 I recognise that at present this advice is given in confidence but , like Glidewell L.J. , I would foresee little difficulty in the Secretary of State asking to be released from that confidence in pending cases .
30 Like they 'd crawl across the floor in restaurants pretending to be a couple of dogs .
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