Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [be] the last " in BNC.

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1 Although the election of Avitus is the last Auvergnat election covered by Gregory , two saints ' Lives allow us to take up the story again a century later .
2 This case of pistols was the last and longest-surviving of the Collector 's many treasures from the Exhibition , and really , he thought , with the possible exception of the velocipede which had inspired the trace of fortifications , the only one to have been of any use ; most of the others , of course , were now immovably set in the dried mud ramparts and could only have been recovered with a pick .
3 Perhaps the most surprising of these five failures to find an objective measure of pain is the last .
4 A law of nature was the last word ; and just as God could not break a law of logic ( by making something both red and green all over , for example ) , so it was felt that He could not break a law of nature .
5 Equally it might be argued that since withdrawal from NATO was the last card he could play in his campaign against American influence , short of defecting from the West altogether , there were good reasons not to play it until it seemed likely to be effective or became absolutely necessary .
6 Furthermore , this 1937 reference to bonds is the last on the subject until 1955 .
7 In one sense , the ‘ lights out ’ issue at Beida was the last straw ; when added to other grievances , it drove the students to risk punishment and protest .
8 It was no good ; reading at this moment in time was the last thing she felt like .
9 The meeting in Caracas was the last of a series of five meetings planned in February 1989 to reactivate the Andean Pact .
10 The wall of night is the last likeness ,
11 And this fossil tree from China is the last of family which predates the dinosaurs .
12 Now the major emphasis needs to shift to what is called the supply side , and this change in emphasis is the last selective measure the Government should take .
13 Our ride with Stig is the last ride we make .
14 That the end of communism could also prove to be the end of the Catholic church 's unquestioned moral authority in Poland was the last thing the church hierarchy expected when the Solidarity leader , Tadeusz Mazowiecki , himself a long-time Catholic activist , became the first non-communist prime minister in 1989 .
15 The bridge at Nuln is the last bridge before the sea , although there are ferries which cross the Reik at various points .
16 His air of innocence was the last straw .
17 The graveyard of the modest little church at Chapel-le-Dale is the last resting place of the many men who died from illness and disease during the construction of the Ribblehead railway viaduct in the 1870s as a result of the privations they suffered .
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