Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [verb] over a " in BNC.

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1 The sculptor pioneered approaches to his medium that young artists today take for granted : sculpture conceived as an ensemble of elements scattered over a wide area ; site-specific installation ; public ‘ interactive ’ art and sculpture on a colossal scale .
2 Perhaps it is because a predator is able to find and eat relatively large numbers of aposematic prey in a short space of time , and that the high initial rate of feeding produces a more powerful reinforcement than a greater number of prey eaten over a longer period .
3 Precedent 3 is a framework agreement governing the continuous supply of goods under a number of orders placed over a period of time .
4 Option 4 : The sum of pixels seen over a number of successive pictures with different exposures .
5 Peat-stained hands , grace before the meal intoned in Gaelic , the taste of tea brewed over an open peat fire , and the smell of heather borne on a keen sea breeze .
6 Any spreadsheet should be able to calculate the present value of payments made over a fixed term .
7 You do n't need to have just one holiday , you could enjoy several up to the value of £5000 spread over a period of one year .
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