Example sentences of "go to ask [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
2 Dad often helps folks with their gardens and he is going to ask them to give a donation to Camphill Development Fund instead of giving him a present .
3 We are er going to ask them to compile a list of businesses which they are happy for us to approach .
4 I 'm going to ask them to run them today .
5 Apart from the physical size of the fish , their territorial requirements make a large tank desirable , and essential if you are going to ask them to share it with other cichlids .
6 Any time now he 's going to ask me to go roller-skating .
7 ‘ But if you 're going to ask me did I know who he recruited no I did n't .
8 What was he going to ask her to do ?
9 I 'm going to ask her to marry me . ’
10 Well you er you , I thought you were going to ask her to look at .
11 All the pieces of advocacy that we 're going to ask you to do are short .
12 Three or four minutes is all that we 're going to ask you to do each time .
13 The last two examples , I 'm actually going to ask you to do tonight rather than keep you here this evening .
14 Now I 'm going to ask you to do another little test for me .
15 The majority of absent parents er presently are fathers , so I 'm going to ask you given the current er , emphasis on er in , well in in in the media perhaps , rather tha , more than in real life on women going it alone , whether by necessity or indeed by choice .
16 " We were going to ask you to fix it in the pot so it 'll stand up , " I said quickly .
17 I 'm just going to ask you to see sense and leave . ’
18 ‘ I was going to ask you to leave anyway . ’
19 Miss Fluck had not long changed her name to Miss Dors , and anxious to make her feel at home , the vicar decided to call her by her old name — though he was scrupulous in remembering to include the all-important L. ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , ’ he began when the great moment arrived , ‘ I am going to ask you to welcome a very special person here this afternoon .
20 I went into the gardens one Sunday morning with the dog found a body in a sleeping bag and I really did n't know whether I thought it was alive or not alive so I went rather closer and I got a very defensive angry stare from a young man and I said to him I 'm not going to ask you to move , because you 've probably got nowhere to go , my real concern is are you okay .
21 Now to do that effectively I think it 's essential that I get you to participate in what 's happening so from time to time I 'm going to ask you to answer questions , sometimes by writing them down , sometimes by shows of hands erm sometimes by er reacting back erm to the questions that I ask .
22 In a moment when I 've explained what each of these sections mean , I 'm going to ask you to put your signature in the column says , that says pupil .
23 And I 'm going to write other and I 'm going to ask you to put a different emphasis on different words to change the meaning .
24 ‘ I was going to ask you to drive Harry 's car home , ’ she said , ‘ but I suppose you ca n't . ’
25 I 'm going to ask you to fill in that application form as regards John and Mary as your fictitious clients , all the information is on page twenty one .
26 We 're also going to ask you to create your own press release about something you 'd like to create , in a sense .
27 We 're going to give you a , a situation handout , or a , a handout which describes a situation , and we 're going to ask you to construct a short press release on the basis of that situation .
28 I was going to ask you to marry me . ’
29 ‘ She also told me she is going to ask you to help her in a little project , ’ he said , grinning mischievously .
30 I was going to ask you to help me to make him come back to the warren .
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