Example sentences of "go to ask [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We were just going to ask him about this proposed pay rise that 's all .
2 And no one 's ever going to ask him to another . ’
3 I was going to ask him for money , there 's a business I could buy my way into , an honest one this time , I 've checked it out .
4 Miguel 's going to ask him on the night — out of the blue .
5 We sat on our stools and I smiled at him , thinking he was going to ask me about my dress or where I lived or something , and he said , ‘ Who 's your favourite philosopher ? ’
6 She was going to ask me for money , I thought .
7 If I say it was wonderfully exciting , you will wonder when I am going to do it again , and if I say it was a mistake , which it was , you are going to ask me under what circumstances it might not have been a mistake . ’
8 ‘ I thought any time she was going to ask me to be bridesmaid . ’
9 That 's what I was going to ask you on those things .
10 ‘ What gave you the idea we were going to ask you about his personal life ?
11 ‘ I was going to ask you about that .
12 I was going to ask you about that .
13 I was going to ask you about your crane driving , how long were you a crane driver ?
14 I was going to ask you about security
15 I 'm going to give you , as a table one of the features of the plan , I 'm going to ask you as a group , but only one of you needs to write it , to write every single thing you can think of relating to that set feature .
16 I 'm going to ask you as an individual to choose one .
17 That 's why we 're going to ask you to be our testers .
18 Going to ask you to be her bridesmaid , only do n't tell her I told you .
19 ‘ Now I 'm going to ask you to be indiscreet .
20 But of course if we 're going to do that we need somewhere to start and where we 're going to start is that I 'm going to ask you to each to make a presentation , a very short presentation .
21 What I 'm going to ask you to then folks Lynne and Marion use one of Alison 's just as an form .
22 afternoon and I was going to ask you to sort of sum up with your views as the sort of
23 ‘ I 'm glad to hear that , ’ said Zach , ‘ because I 'm going to ask you for another good suggestion . ’
24 ‘ I ca n't imagine what she wants , ’ Joanna said , ‘ unless , having quarelled with Robert , she 's going to ask you for a job . ’
25 You see towards the bottom er we pose a few questions there , I 'm going to ask you in a few minutes to introduce yourselves and to say what what sort of presentations you make at the moment .
26 I do n't tell no lie , I was goin' to ask 'im for the loan of a bob so 's I could get to see this bloke that might be puttin' a bit of business in me way .
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