Example sentences of "go along [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She 's goes along to some illustration out of book and er
2 In Lawrence 's essays it goes along with that familiar stance of hard-earned adjustment whereby sickness is always someone else 's problem — the masses , the modern world , women , homosexuals , whoever .
3 Television goes along with this .
4 Stevenson himself goes along with this view to a far greater extent than seems appropriate .
5 Because , while being regressed , the patient is well aware of his or her present-day persona in addition to the previous one , Myra found it very distressing to think that she had been so happy to go along with all Hugh 's demands .
6 Some of the industry recognized that change was due and with various degrees of enthusiasm were prepared to go along with such proposals .
7 They talk , for example , about the continuing need for state secrets and Havel seems to go along with that .
8 He thought of Jazz being presented with a cross-eyed , spotty , knock-kneed , gook-speaking bride from the Punjab and having to go along with that .
9 And I was n't prepared to go along with that .
10 Yes I , I , I 'm inclined to go along with that to some extent , I remember once er I think it was eighty four , because in eighty four or was it eighty four ?
11 But Jessamy was n't about to go along with that .
12 ‘ Yes , this time I think I might be willing to go along with that , ’ Luke conceded drily , his gaze skimming the new lushness of her mouth .
13 Is there anything in the constitution anywhere , cos I happily to go along with that if it 's written in
14 " Any country wishing to join the Community would have to go along with that " , he said .
15 I 'd be prepared to go along with that as well .
16 Er , er we , we feel it 's er , it 's misguided er it , it journalizes it , er does a very large number of things erm to er this County Council 's views on , on er airport policy and various other matters , erm it would be totally er would not wish to er to go along with that .
17 The RCM seemed to be prepared to go along with this , until they discovered that Willy was also in trouble with his employer , a Jeweller who caught the boy pocketing a silver cigarette case .
18 ‘ You have to go along with this .
19 The United Kingdom 's negotiators must alter the attitude with which they have approached the question of integration to date : considering as ‘ victories ’ what are at best delays in the advance of Federalism , and being willing , at the last , to go along with any formula of political union as an alternative to being ‘ relegated ’ to an ‘ outer tier ’ of the EEC .
20 Rory did , but Rory was immensely happy to wait for her , to go along with any whim .
21 But they will belong to the Sorcerers ’ Fellowship , and then there 's the Old Boys ' Academy of Wizardry — mind you , I like to go along to that myself .
22 But Jessamy was n't going along with that !
23 What on earth was she doing , going along with this ?
24 I would n't hesitate about going along to another of the band 's gigs where , it is to be hoped , the audience would give more than a round of applause for the amount of hard work put into the show .
25 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
26 Are you really suggesting we go along with that ? ’
27 I go along with that , ’ he says .
28 ‘ 'Ere , 'old on , guv , ’ said the bruiser , ‘ I du n no I go along with that .
29 I go along with that one , and we 'd commandeered the scullery back of the kitchen to pollute our bodies with addictive anti-stress-related poison .
30 With Pamela it was always the same — do n't worry , we do n't need it , the bills are all covered , I can take care of everything — but Josie would rather have packed her bags and moved out than go along with such a line .
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