Example sentences of "go back along the " in BNC.

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1 Going back along the ditch and down beside the house , she tried to convince herself that no one would have heard her love-shriek , but she was already frightened that they had , and when she tiptoed into the scullery and crossed to her straw pallet in the corner , her fear increased tenfold , for she was immediately certain that the blanket had been moved and that someone had been there in the scullery only minutes before .
2 The highest point on the mountain was , he remembered , to be gained that way , but he would need to go back along the path and so would meet Detective Furness and prick the bubble of aloneness in which he was so happy .
3 On this occasion he could only get 5in so he told one of the shunters , George Dyson , what had happened and asked him to go back along the fish vans and find out if a bag was off .
4 He turned to go back along the gallery , then stopped and looked back at her .
5 Now that has led to many iterations in the software design and development as the programme has rolled forward because every time you find a mistake , it 's got ta go back along the whole test route .
6 Sergeant Carr — a tall regular Royal Engineer — went back along the caisson , found the hatch still unopened , and decided the wreath of underwater charges at least must be blown .
7 They left the goose in the dairy and went back along the passage and through a swing door with baize on one side into a wide , dark hall where a grandfather clock ticked in one corner and a small oil lamp threw shadows .
8 ‘ Let's go , girl , ’ he said and went back along the street .
9 The hearse went back along the road for a bit , then rose into the sky and vanished into the clouds .
10 As she went back along the landing she paused , frowning .
11 Our hosts go back along the jetty ,
12 If I go back along the path again he can have a good sniff there .
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