Example sentences of "go [prep] war over " in BNC.

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1 As a very old colleague points out : ‘ It 's better than going to war over it . ’
2 His silence about Megara is not complete : Pericles is described as telling the Athenians that they will not be going to war over a trifle , if they refuse to rescind the Megarian decree as the Spartans demand .
3 FOUR ex-servicemen have been booted out of a British Legion social club after going to war over what they believe are missing funds of up to £250,000 .
4 If Marshal Piłsudski and Colonel Beck , the Polish leaders in Warsaw , were upset that France had not given them stronger backing over the Wilia crisis , then they were also relieved to find that Hitler was not prepared to go to war over the city — at least not yet .
5 ‘ But it 's not decent to go to war over something like this , ’ I screamed , thumping my fist on the table so that the cups on the dresser rattled .
6 He did not expect that he would have to go to war over the Holy Places , but if he was called upon to do so , he thought that he could produce the men , guns and money he would need for victory .
7 Britain and France had gone to war over Poland when it was invaded by Hitler in 1939 , there were numerous Polish-Americans concerned about its future , and a Polish ‘ government-in-exile ’ already existed in London .
8 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
9 Gangsters go to war over Pepsi
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