Example sentences of "what the others [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Without such a mechanism , all communication is just ‘ cheap talk ’ : there is no reason for a firm to believe what the others say .
2 Do I want to teach after all ? ’ and this is because of what the others say to you , the more experienced teachers .
3 Give me what the others want nothing to do with .
4 or see what the others want to do
5 That 's what the others do all the time .
6 ‘ I plan the holidays and what the others do n't know is that , in the course of planning , I 've developed the precise art of finding somewhere to stay where , when you open your bedroom window , in front of you is the most splendid bit of Romanesque architecture .
7 His sense of what counts , his independence , his refusal to do what the others do .
8 If you can afford to pay £34,450 , then flaunt it and enjoy it , because it 's got what the others have n't — image and class .
9 As someone who loves travelling my motto has always been , ‘ never return to the same resort until you 've seen what the others have to offer ’ .
10 So you 'll know what the others have already said
11 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
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