Example sentences of "there [be] [adj] evidence " in BNC.

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1 At the beginning of the Kyoto meeting a working party was set up to consider proposals from the southern African countries , which would differentiate between " critically endangered " and " endangered " species , and under which trade would be banned only if there were strong evidence that it was affecting the conservation of the species .
2 In an eight to one decision on June 25 the Supreme Court ruled that a person had the right to refuse life-sustaining medical treatment , but that such treatment could only be withheld from a comatose person if there were convincing evidence that they would not have wished to continue their life in a debilitated state .
3 They 'd just be in their underwear and er it 's er there 's certain evidence that they engaged in what we would call heavy petting nowadays .
4 ‘ At the moment , there 's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone , ’ said Harris quietly , ‘ and if I thought you were keen on any of the other men in this case , I 'd be saying the same thing about them . ’
5 The Director of Public Prosecutions says there 's insufficient evidence to prosecute any officer of the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad despite ninety-one complaints about the unit .
6 There 's strong evidence that Cornwall fulfils the requirements of those special geographic considerations .
7 There 's reasonable evidence that she was trying to ‘ turn ’ the Pope . ’
8 At one place on the walk , there 's clear evidence of a badger track crossing the route — there 's flattened vegetation and the observant may spot badger hairs .
9 you see there 's clear evidence on that because the number of action plans that are completed
10 Analysing your opening to me you were saying that there 's expert evidence that solicitors instructed in the purchase of a property must ask about financial arrangements and advise about them .
11 Yes there are you can get away with it if the other person there 's sufficient evidence that the other person was determined to kill you .
12 But there is inferential evidence for the early adoption of family planning .
13 Sure enough , there is observational evidence of such clusters going back to the 11 000 nebular objects listed in J. L. E. Dreyer 's New General Catalogue , in the 1890s , long before Hubble 's discovery of their true nature .
14 There is manifold evidence which I could —
15 There is varied evidence that suggests that major geographical moves , either between or within countries , not only have a disruptive effect on people 's lives , but may produce lasting changes .
16 There is recent evidence , for instance , that there is want erm different things from what females
17 On the other hand , there is extensive evidence for specific factors which can control the pathways of differentiation .
18 However , while there is extensive evidence of assortative mating ( O'Donald , 1980 ) , of the importance of plumage characteristics in courtship ( Williams , 1982 ) and of female preference for males who can defend superior breeding territories ( Pleszczynska , 1978 ) only very recently has it been demonstrated that consistent female choice for any continuous morphological character in males is an important source of variation in male reproductive success .
19 There is limited evidence to suggest that working class women were also convinced of the danger their contributions to the family economy posed to their husbands ' work incentives .
20 The preparasitic phase is typically strongyloid and infection is by ingestion of L3 although there is limited evidence that skin penetration is possible , at least in pigs .
21 There is substantial evidence in the literature already cited that it has been the critical area of failure in Britain .
22 There is substantial evidence that people who have migrated to Britain quite commonly send sums of money on a regular basis to assist relatives still living in their country of origin .
23 There is substantial evidence that the pulsar is associated with the globular cluster NGC6342 .
24 The expected organism was grown from the original site of minor surgery on her back and was confirmed as a type of S aureus producing toxic shock syndrome toxin I. Isolation of such a toxin is diagnostically helpful , but there is substantial evidence that other staphylococcal enterotoxins contribute to a high mortality .
25 There is substantial evidence that social support , at work or at home , may provide an effective insulator or buffer against the effects of stress .
26 There is substantial evidence that work groups detect and remedy mistakes much more quickly than designated ‘ inspectors ’ , saving considerable rework and scrappage .
27 There is substantial evidence showing that the chances of surviving to old age are lower among the manual than non-manual groups and that this also applies , though to a lesser extent , to the number of years people live beyond retirement .
28 Third , there is substantial evidence showing that economic growth and education in advanced industrial societies are correlated , though there is equally substantial disagreement about the direction of the causality .
29 Thus there is substantial evidence of general practitioners ' participation in the medical and social care of their patients , especially elderly patients .
30 There is substantial evidence that er demonstrates that the fire was caused by those inside the compound .
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