Example sentences of "if there [be] indeed " in BNC.

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1 Of course , merely artificial creations are unnatural and are therefore unjust ; but if there is indeed a common descent from Adam , and the world is a family grown demographically from him and his wife , there must be potential descent groups larger than nations which have no taint of artificiality .
2 If there is indeed the same relativism in physics and in morals , should not one individual 's choice in his particular situation be as unimpugnably right or wrong as his measurements of distance and duration ?
3 To establish laws of nature without analogizing would be possible only if there is indeed a logical operation for inferring from the particular to the universal , which induction is supposed to be .
4 Well , this is a typical Hartley scenario if there is indeed such an animal .
5 If there is indeed a parallel universe , Blaggers ITA are undoubtedly from it .
6 If there is indeed any foundation for these fears — which I do not at all suppose , for why should he not have contacted me if he was in such trouble ? — I shall settle the matter at once .
7 If there are indeed older American values of the Truman and Eisenhower era , the people who hold them are suspicious of posturing blowhards , influencing public policy without being forced to take the hard choices that government requires .
8 In short , if there are indeed innate or instinctive psychological mechanisms which are passed on genetically , then these take distinct social forms .
9 Worn out with his own personal brand of window shopping ; all that staring and never buying anything , all those shop windows , all those men to stare at and not dare follow , as if there was indeed a sheet of plate glass between him and them .
10 If there was indeed any mystery about Ewen Mackay 's visit to my cottage , the clue to it might well be here , in the house he had claimed to be familiar with .
11 They anticipate that OC use will act like pregnancy on breast cancer risk and thus be associated with a reduction in risk at older ages , It would be a great relief to young women now if there was indeed such a decreasing risk .
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