Example sentences of "would have been regarded " in BNC.

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1 What could legitimately be described as ‘ dubious tactics ’ on Malham Cove in the early 70s would have been regarded as quite normal in the early 60s and would be considered style of pathological purity in the 90s .
2 Although the returns would have been regarded as uneconomic two years ago , government advisers will pay out the second-lowest bill for underwriting in the history of public sell-offs .
3 The wealth and power he clearly possesses by the time he is reunited with his brother would have been regarded by the writer and the first hearers of the story as clear signs of God 's blessing .
4 Congregationalists , for example , noted in their Year Books from 1898 to 1901 that they had installed 144 new organs ; as early as 1873 William Shepherdson , a Member of the College of Organists , reminded Nonconformists that a hundred years before , organs ‘ were beyond the reach of small Churches , while as to Chapels … the placing of an organ … would have been regarded as an act of profanation . ’
5 As an admitted homosexual , John himself would have been regarded as medically unfit for conscription into the forces .
6 ‘ I suppose that would have been regarded as subversive by some governments in the bad old days , ’ he said .
7 Such lists would have been regarded as underground literature during Sir Keith Joseph 's tenure .
8 The duchess being bride to the heir presumptive , with the princes gone , any issue of hers would have been regarded by many as rightful sovereign of the realm .
9 His original followers would have been regarded as subversives , if not overt revolutionaries , actively dedicated to breaking Roman authority over Palestine .
10 Needless to say , since the notion that you did not ask anyone over-probing questions would have been regarded by him as an absurdity , he wanted to know what I was going to back .
11 This implies that at least 53% of lone mothers would be classified as unoccupied ; they would have been regarded as economically inactive at the census , and at death registration the instructions to registrars would preclude the recording of any occupational information .
12 Many things that a decade ago would have been regarded as the province exclusively of the statutory sector now fall into the voluntary sector .
13 The right hon. Gentleman , who was a Treasury Minister throughout the lifetime of the Labour Government , will appreciate that figures such as those that I have just disclosed to the House would have been regarded as a complete impossibility in his time .
14 So we do n't want to be any under any illusions about that , and the same can be applied to the fact that we have made no real provision for nursery education , that we were in trouble over special needs in this county , that was a a requirement to restore services that were well below the S S A on Social Services , and we really all this er this er , new administration has done , has been brought those up , those services up to what would have been regarded as a quite an unacceptable level with most of the the the authorities in this country .
15 Yet , as I watched all this from the very end of the slow queue , I had thought it would be me who would have been regarded the potential menace as I was at the wheel of the most outrageously styled and priced supercar ever .
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