Example sentences of "would be granted [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In acknowledgement of the urgent need for reform in this area , de Klerk proposed initially that henceforth : ( i ) the death penalty would be limited as an option of sentence to extreme cases , and the area of judicial discretion in the imposition of sentence would be broadened ( currently the death sentence was mandatory for certain crimes ) ; ( ii ) all those sentenced to death would be granted automatic right of appeal — up till now there had been no appeal against this sentence ; ( iii ) no further executions would be carried out until Parliament had decided on the proposals .
2 After this , he resigned himself more or less to an athletics-oriented existence , taking up the offer of a job in a sports equipment shop , where he would be granted ample time off to compete in meetings and train regularly .
3 Shortly after Gunter Krusche , a leading figure in the East Berlin Protestant church , said there were signs that the reformist New Forum would be granted legal status in several regions , police in East Berlin detained 15 members of the group and confiscated papers they were carrying .
4 However , the ICRC also reported that Iran would not accept doctors , technicians or other professionals ( with which it was well equipped as the result of its war with Iraq ) , sniffer dogs or blood plasma ( on religious grounds ) , or satellite communications equipment ; it also insisted that food must conform to Islamic rules , and that those delivering the aid would be granted 24-hour visas only .
5 As regards the legal position of some 350,000 Chinese living in Indonesia , it was eventually agreed that China would offer them citizenship , and that those who declined this offer would be granted permanent residency rights by the Indonesian government .
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