Example sentences of "would say that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd say that composition is the main starting point for all our work , because the nature of composition involves performance at the end , and of course the whole process involves various ways of listening … so composition is the crux of all our work here .
2 I wondered when you 'd say that Helena , with your little bit of wisdom
3 As for happy hours , I 'd say that 50% of pubs in Leeds have a happy hour at least once a day so if you were looking for something to celebrate each and every day then this might come up ( along with the anniversary of the death of the guy who drove the stephenson steam train on it 's maiden journey , and the all too sad occasion of the 7th anniversary of the cat that lived 4 doors down that was callously knocked over by the no. 40 bus )
4 No , I 'd say that wife of his was as unsuitable a sick-nurse as you could find . ’
5 Well , I suppose you 'd say that Elise and I had a very close relationship for a time . ’
6 There are a large number of psycholinguists who would say that Fodor is overstating his case here and that parsing is indeed canalized by so-called ‘ real world knowledge ’ .
7 Marcel Proust ( 1983 , p.949 ) would say that reading is one of the means of self-discovery : ‘ In reality every reader is , while reading , the reader of his own self .
8 Many people would say that Jesus could not stop himself from healing people because of his overwhelming feeling of compassion and love for them .
9 ‘ I would say that England 's recent success has been due , in no small way , to having experience on the side .
10 Wordy and intellectual , with only a small chance of success : the sort of play a cynic would say that producers put on so that they can feel good .
11 ‘ Yes , although I would say that Peter and Eric would have done it anyway .
12 Some would say that Habitat used the two per cent to great effect in creating a unique style of goods that appealed to the popular taste .
13 They would say that walking has been , and always will be , the principal method of human transport , yet during the current motorised interlude those that can not or will not ride must step aside — literally — for those that do .
14 Some would say that blame should begin , even end , with Rushdie himself : that this ‘ impertinent , whining guest , ’ as Lord Tebbit unforgivably called him , wrote a calculatedly provocative book , brought the predictable wrath of Islam down upon himself and has since presented the taxpayer with a multi-million pound bill for keeping due retribution at bay .
15 say that women have been discriminated against for so long that they just have n't had the opportunities to rise up through the ranks , and if they are ever going to achieve the kind of representation that they ought to achieve just by the sheer numbers that the represent in the population , apart from the quality , and there are a lot of people who would say that women are probably rather superior erm to a lot of men at an equal level
16 I would say that Ireland is very definitely a Third World country even though we 're geographically in Western Europe and we 're white .
17 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and it was the first one I went to , but I must say of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I felt most comfortable and happy .
18 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and erm it was the first one I went to , but I must say that of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I 've felt most erm comfortable and happy in .
19 I would say that feminism is imperialist .
20 ‘ I would say that priests are like any other men , be they lawyer or coroner , Sir John , they have their weaknesses .
21 My life is certainly not dominated by sex ; in fact , on the whole I would say that sex is totally overrated .
22 I 'm not a psychologist , but I read , and I would say that attitude gives him a colossal arrogance .
23 The thing that I object to is that many old people and the disabled relied on taxis to get them into that area , and I would say that Hackney Carriage vehicles should be allowed in .
24 Most people would say that respect is something that must be earned .
25 I would say that Faye and Roberta represent an extreme . "
26 Judging by the amount of float and unreliable side slip we experienced , I would say that flaps are essential , not an option .
27 Later he would say that fields of young wheat and orchards in bloom were delicate as babies .
28 Balfour would say that Austen Chamberlain should be sent for ; and , according to Birkenhead , Balfour thought that this was ‘ the right course to pursue as it gave the King one other alternative before sending for Ramsay MacDonald ’ .
29 In mathematics we would say that fractions used in practical work have to be related to a unit .
30 I would say that Courtaulds is reasonably healthy in an extremely hostile environment .
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