Example sentences of "would probably not [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If Bryan had n't fired me , I 'd probably not be in the charts now . ’
2 While the market might continue softening for psychological and cyclical reasons , its woes would probably not be compounded by fraud-tainted defaults .
3 So under a Labour government , television would probably not be quite so pro-Labour as it was pro-Conservative under a Conservative government .
4 This point is academic — first , because so much of this type of absenteeism goes unnoticed or unrecorded ( it was described as ‘ hidden ’ truancy by the Pack Report ) , and second , because , realistically , the use of legal procedures would probably not be contemplated by any LEA until the problem had worsened and discussion with parents had failed to resolve it .
5 The alternative of using a fully trained adviser as receptionist would probably not be considered an efficient use of staff .
6 It was felt that this type of exercise would probably not be repeated for a few years .
7 The carpenter 's benches were well lit by rooflights ; some of the tools used at that time would probably not be found today .
8 Most people would probably not be delighted to be told that their daughter has chosen to become a surrogate mother ; but it can not be the function of the law either to prevent unpleasant situations , or to tell one 's daughter how to conduct her affairs .
9 POLICEWOMAN Pauline Tilley said afterwards on behalf of the grieving families : ‘ If the judge had given Gooch 100 years it would probably not be enough , because you can not bring the lives of five children back . ’
10 Unless the change in image was immense , boys would probably not be affected , science would still be an obvious , acceptable choice for a boy .
11 A letter from the Ministry of Health in March 1946 called for the Council 's proposals for the improvement of hospital accommodation in the subsequent five years , during which the building of new hospitals would probably not be possible .
12 Without a harbour , the islands would probably not be inhabited at all , as the land area is only about 250 hectares .
13 Hazel had supposed that he and one or two of his comrades would be taken to see the Chief Rabbit — who would probably not be Cowslip , since Cowslip had come to see them unattended — in his burrow , after which they would all be given different places to go to .
14 We have never found it an imposition to provide , at the beginning of a term a sheet of paper for each lecture setting out prerequisite knowledge , the subject of the lecture and reference to textbook work which would probably not be treated except by a mention .
15 However , in such a universe there would probably not be sufficient in the way of attractive forces to gather together matter in the large aggregates that are probably necessary for the development of complicated structures .
16 The soldiers liked being close to the Bright Palace , and they thought that Medoc would probably not be able to see them .
17 Seen against this background the decision in Franklin v. Minister of Town and Country Planning , although undoubtedly influenced by the judicial conservatism of the time , would probably not be decided differently today .
18 The advice that he would receive would probably not be couched in terms of relative merits and de-merits of preference and ordinary shares but of ‘ prior charges ’ and ‘ equiries ’ .
19 For example , in a general index it might be adequate to regard Prisons and Dungeons as one and the same , but in a specialist index devoted to Criminology , this would probably not be acceptable .
20 Her mother had stated then that it would probably not be necessary to move again , but she had always shied off from friendships — so many of them had been lost before .
21 As Julian Leff points out : ‘ it seems likely that if the uniqueness of the individual 's inner experience became the dominant value in society , the bonds between people would be so attenuated that such a society would probably not be viable . ’
22 The parts of the world with which it deals would probably not be too critical about its nuclear development anyway .
23 He said that the woman , who had been diagnosed as a schizophrenic in 1986 after an attempted arson attack , would probably not be fit to stand trial because of her mental condition .
24 The Mexican Minister of Commerce and Industrial Development , Jaime Serra Puche , accepted that legislative proceedings on the final treaty would probably not be completed until after the November 1992 US elections .
25 If he reasonably does not discover his right until a short time before the last days of the three months have elapsed , then obviously it would probably not be reasonably practicable to give notice in time .
26 And , rocking with laughter , he would clasp Robert to him — something , thought Class 1 's form master , as he joined the throng in the hail , the headmaster would probably not be doing a lot of in future .
27 Electronic point of sale data , or credit/charge information , or banking data might be protected currently in the UK by copyright , but would probably not be elsewhere in Europe .
28 In that case the court found that the auditors ' certificate was based on a mistaken interpretation of the agreement between the partners : this would probably not be decided the same way today : see 13.6 , 13.7 and 13.9 .
29 If the issuer did not know that the issue of the certificate triggered completion of the sale , or that it would be likely to do so , he would probably not be liable : see 14.11 .
30 There appears to be no authority on the point , but they would probably not be understood differently , in view of the court 's use of the word " erroneous " in Jones ( M ) v Jones ( R R ) [ 1971 ] 1 WLR 840 .
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