Example sentences of "would [verb] turned [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd have turned me into another of her tasteless folk stories , I expect !
2 I 'd have turned it down without asking except I thought you might be interested — ah — because … ’ he shrugged , unable to find a tactful way of saying that this was the best offer she would get all year .
3 Soon he 'd have turned us off .
4 Had they played the ball down th channels or to the corner flags , this would have turned their defence and let us regroup and play in their half .
5 ‘ Oh , I would have turned him down anyway .
6 In the long run , collaboration with Russia would have turned her into Russia 's vassal .
7 The victory of Gothic architecture showed that Nonconformity had kept pace with the spirit of the times ; to have done otherwise would have turned them back into hole-and-corner chapels appealing , like the Quakers with their simple meeting-houses , to ‘ men and women of a certain temper ’ .
8 He was not aware of any post being sought for him by the Government and , if offered one , would have turned it down .
9 Only a fool would have turned it down , of course , but he was uncomfortably aware that Anthea , who had persuaded him to apply , had been instrumental in his appointment .
10 If only there were a radio she would have turned it on , loudly , but , of course , no such luck .
11 would have turned it into a distinct party separate from the Parliamentary Labour Party of which it formed nearly a halt Candidates were asked to avoid " commitments with other organisations of such a nature as to militate against their effectiveness as ILP Members of Parliament " .
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