Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] turned " in BNC.

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1 If the cradle had been lowered , it would eventually have turned over , throwing out rigger Andy Bowman , who was controlling the stunt from inside it .
2 Says another curator , ‘ Rusty may not have the vision to say , ‘ We need a Guido Reni at the National Gallery ’ he 's not the sort of person who could walk through the baroque galleries and realise they even need one , though if a curator went to him wanting to buy one , I think Rusty would certainly be supportive of the move , whereas Carter would basically have turned up his nose and said ‘ no ’ ’ .
3 ‘ If I had spoken to anyone properly about how I felt after Hungerford , ’ he says , ‘ I 'm sure I would not have turned my problems over to the bottle . ’
4 Johnson and Boswell made up their quarrel when they rose , with Johnson saying he would not have turned back , as he had threatened , and headed for Edinburgh .
5 Mr Hellyer , who was in fact too nice-minded to do so , could have sworn , blasphemed , and Oliver would not have turned a hair .
6 She was carrying more rivets than the average U-Boat and would probably have turned a compass away from Magnetic North .
7 ‘ I would n't have turned my back only I was drunk . ’
8 Now , part of that might just have purely the ritual that 's associated with things like coronations and investitures , but surely if people had felt so strongly about it they would n't have turned out in such numbers , er to support her .
9 Marr would n't have turned a hair on that , thought Theodora , but she said nothing .
10 The taxi driver would n't have turned up if he had n't read about you in the paper .
11 Well we 're not saying that we would n't have turned up it 's just that we were unable to turn up .
12 So they would immediately have turned to the second , legislative stage : they would have tried to discover which decision was more sensible or just or democratic or would otherwise better serve the community .
13 When she entered the room , she directed an unfriendly look at Harold — so far as I remember making no sound — and , seeing where I was sitting , directed a glance at me that , for anyone of lesser resolution , would undoubtedly have turned me into stone .
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