Example sentences of "can use [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only precondition we 've got on that , is that it 's got to be thirty seconds long , we can use whatever sound effects we like , we really , to begin with , we have got to have scripts , everybody here takes part in it has got to have a script first ,
2 Others say the best way to get private sectors working is to reform the public sector : the World Bank can use its clout with poor countries to insist on structural reforms when it lends them money .
3 It can use its customer records to indicate what people in the different categories buy , how much they spend per capita , how they pay and whether they are repeat customers .
4 But now the sun can not do this because the man is dead but his comrades are hoping that by moving his body out into the sun it can use its power to wake him as it used to do .
5 Protracted bargaining , Williamson argues , is less likely for three reasons : people feel part of a unified organization , and so are less inclined to argue ; management has the right to demand information from workers in the organization , and therefore can restrict opportunism ; and , ultimately , management can use its authority to guillotine any dispute that threatens to be prolonged .
6 Once you have the additional hardware and/or telephone services you require you can use its facilities to access online services , bulletin boards and so on .
7 It means that it can use its paper to finance the bid without using its cash resources or resorting to further borrowing .
8 Many nocturnal creatures are hunters , which again accords with our Queen of the Night , who can use her powers in a predatory fashion .
9 Bond owners might like to know that they can use her Knitmaster Chunky ribber-carrying cases for their machines — the bags are the perfect size for the Bond Classic .
10 Moreover , a married woman can use her husband 's contribution record to make up her basic pension to the level she would have got as his dependant .
11 The project will examine how well people can use their judgement to forecast the future behaviour of a system ( eg. a business , economy or traffic system ) on the basis of a series of observations that characterize its past behaviour .
12 In fact they are highly competent and by taking advantage of the desire of some of them to work part-time he can use their experience as and when , for instance , they want to return to work after having children .
13 The way in which each child adapts to defective vision will be individual , and there are considerations both in the causes of defective sight and the effects of these on the way that children can use their vision .
14 A spelling system should be reasonable , so that beginners can use their intelligence in learning to read , and learn in 18 months , as in some European languages , instead of taking three years plus , as in Britain and the US .
15 Deals of this nature are not uncommon because , for example , the CIA and KGB give each other the right to approve the appointment of their station heads and can use their veto if the opposition proposes someone unacceptable .
16 They will have to ask permission from the match umpires before they can use their fingers to scratch mud from the surface of the ball .
17 The police can use their discretion to impose prior conditions on the march , such as when it occurs , its route and numerical strength .
18 Not only are we vulnerable in our own cars , but other people can use their cars as weapons against us .
19 If firms prefer a certain class of investor , they can use their dividend policy to achieve this .
20 The idea of the tour is so that they can actually er listen to it , but they can turn it off whenever they want and they can use their guide book to see what is in each room and if you look at the guidebook as we go round , you will find that that the things are illustrated , you know the pot .
21 They have no obligation to use it responsibly if their , if they can use their vote selfishly .
22 Multi-nationals can use their market power to fiddle transfer prices .
23 Certainly , we are looking for individuals who can accept responsibility both for themselves and others , who can use their initiative to control events rather than drift aimlessly through life .
24 Someone invents a scrambler device so people can use their Cellnet phones without the opposition listening in .
25 Existing CICS customers can use their investment in CICS Cobol programmers with no need for re-training and Unix programmers can develop CICS applications in C and use X Window or Motif functions to develop user interfaces .
26 In addition to a simple visual analysis of the print , we can use our knowledge of orthography to guide this analysis .
27 Not only can we use the considerable buying power of Guinness to get the best prices , but we can use our knowledge of suppliers all over the world to ensure the highest quality product .
28 Unless we can use our intelligence to control our aggression , there is not much chance for the human race .
29 We can use our imaginations and think creatively to foresee possible outcomes .
30 The bloke from Bill & Ted 's ’ Excellent Adventure thingy ( not Keanu Reeves ) … staggers into our dressing room asking if he can use our potty .
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