Example sentences of "can say [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All I can say is that the law is the law and its enforcement requires no commendation from me . ’
2 All we can say is that the burden of the wood adds further poignancy to an already heart-rending story , and throughout the journey acts as an all too visible reminder to Abraham of the act he is about to commit .
3 ‘ And as for the idea that I am being some how manipulated all I can say is that I do n't know about the other girls but I have been in a similar industry — television , for the last couple of years and now I know how it works .
4 Peter Carter-Ruck , a leading libel lawyer , said : ‘ All you can say is that it would probably still be held to be defamatory to call someone homosexual today when they 're not .
5 ‘ All I can say is that I recognise the incredible enthusiasm that there is for this sport among a section of the listening public — especially Daily Telegraph readers .
6 What you can say is that there 's been acidification .
7 All I can say is that a bloke in a top-hat spoke to me .
8 I have to admit Mr Graham has a point here , but all I can say is that after one has been in the profession as long as one has , one is able to judge intuitively the depth of a man 's professionalism without having to see it under pressure .
9 All I can say is that I doubt I will be asked to join the Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team .
10 ‘ Well , all I can say is that there is a whole lot of bloody sheep as symbols as well in the Christian religion , ’ said Alison as she packed up her ‘ baroque ’ fiddle .
11 All I can say is that at the time everything fitted together perfectly into so glaringly obvious a pattern that I was amazed I had never seen it before .
12 In some ways that was the classic sound that I had with Whitesnake , but that sound was n't usable in later , more AOR versions of either that band or even other things that I 've done ; all you can say is that it was right for that particular music .
13 Birdland 's manager Wayne Morris told NME : ‘ All I can say is that reports of the band leaving Lazy are totally untrue .
14 All I can say is that if Mr Kinnock fancies a bankrupt 's vote , he can have mine , and be welcome to it .
15 All I can say is that my students were gobsmacked by Paul Thorburn 's 70m penalty .
16 All one can say is that the story being told ( or hinted at ) is also one of gloom , death and parting , like that between Eärendil and Elwing , the mariner and the weeping women of Middle-earth .
17 Perhaps the best one can say is that when such heroes die they go , in Tolkien 's opinion , neither to Hell nor Heaven , but to Limbo : ‘ to my fathers ’ , as Théoden says , ‘ to sit beside my fathers , until the world is renewed ’ , to quote Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit , perhaps at worst to wait with the barrow-wight ‘ Where gates stand for ever shut , till the world is mended ’ .
18 The best one can say is that in those chapters , as in The Lord of the Rings more generally , a work essentially of ‘ romance ’ manages to rise at times towards ‘ myth ’ , and also to sink towards ‘ high ’ or even ‘ low mimesis , .
19 About all one can say is that while it is only too easy to make a weak material ( or indeed a material of no strength at all ) from strong chemical bonds , it is not possible to make very strong materials from weak bonds .
20 All I can say is that someone hit me at about 40 or 50mph up the back as I was turning into the corner .
21 Well , all I can say is that the strain is driving Jim and me to distraction … . ’
22 The only thing I can say is that at least my mistakes are genuine .
23 All I can say is that I failed , and in this particular case I regret that failure . ’
24 Asked how he rates himself as a novelist , he replies : ‘ All I can say is that every single book has sold more than the last .
25 However , Hyperion do not name the venue and all I can say is that the given acoustics have not been allowed to supply the degree of warm enrichment this music seems to demand .
26 But if one is dealing with anything other than empirical knowledge of this kind — if , in short , one does not personally know in the sense just explained — the only honest thing one can say is that one does not know .
27 It is extremely difficult to construct a cost-of-living index for governmental expenditure and the most one can say is that , very roughly , the ordinary revenue of the Crown probably kept pace with inflation , but did not increase in real terms to meet the larger calls being made upon government .
28 The most we can say is that if there are still economies of scale unexploited , the industry is a natural monopoly .
29 So , I think we should say we are sceptical , and I think the paper puts it correctly er , we are sceptical of whether the reforms of the first consortium in fact , is going to meet the needs in terms of new health area and I know that time will come , they 're talking about the lot , it 's gon na wonderful and that the our economies should get all I can say is that the likelihood is the only f the area committee er , so that residents can comment managers , but since we 've already had a nine hundred percent increase in senior management in the health service in the past five years up from nine hundred to over ten thousand at a cost of fifty to two hundred and fifty million pounds I 'm rather sceptical about that one as well !
30 All I can say is that the yes of God 's love is stronger than the no of his judgment and that I do believe that despite all the shadows and elements of chaos in the world , in the universe and in life , God 's love is stronger and he is a God of love .
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