Example sentences of "can be expected to " in BNC.

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1 Kenner 's fantasy is being discussed in terms of the view — with which Kenner can be expected to be very familiar — that the goals of a biographically-minded criticism are in some measure fantastic .
2 The return on money spent or lent in Eastern Europe can be expected to be better , politically and commercially , than those from similar outflows into the gurgling sink of Latin America and other parts of the South .
3 The debate on the BBC 's future , prior to the renewal of its charter in 1996 , is another area where his influence can be expected to be felt .
4 The two sets of genes can be expected to ‘ pull together ’ for just the same reasons as all the genes of one individual organism normally pull together .
5 The period for which the product can be expected to be stable under given conditions must also be specified .
6 Thus the thickest potential net pay can be expected to be developed only in the latter situation ( see Figs. 25 and 26 ) .
7 In a break with tradition , he can be expected to be a Trade Secretary who gets things done .
8 For most pupils , however , assistance can be expected to be found from within the school 's own resources .
9 Notes : All members of this group can be expected to be aged 60 or more and approximately 66 per cent female .
10 Notes : Participants can be expected to be in age range 25–55 , and approximately 75 per cent male .
11 The circumstances and experiences of life create ever more diversity and certainly by the time old age is reached , differences can be expected to be at their most extreme .
12 Signs in use for many referents reflect one or two of these properties , and thus we should not be surprised that comparisons of sign lists result in such a high degree of similarity , as the appearance , movement , and use of an object can be expected to be similar across different cultures .
13 Toshiba Corp has been showing off the robotics work it is engaged on at its research centre , where it has a number of projects that are or have grown out of government-sponsored projects : it is developing eyes 2mm to 3mm in diameter for a micromachine for use in inspecting pipes in nuclear power stations , and also a software-controlled self-mobile robot for use in space where not all astronauts can be expected to be robot experts .
14 While the current situation in chip fabrication capability appears to be parity , the next frontier for the industry will be the portable devices known as Personal Digital Assistants ; since miniaturisation is a skill of Japanese manufacturers , these can be expected to be made in Japan , and all the strategic alliances made to date reflect this .
15 By the end of autumn , then , most of the NO y can be expected to be in the form of nitric acid .
16 It requires the cooperation of every citizen , and no law which unreasonably infringes the freedoms of that citizen can be expected to be effective .
17 It seems that a similar test might be applicable to international legal incapacity ; where a prior treaty is well-known and public , a third party can be expected to be aware of any limitations upon the capacity of a treaty member to enter into a treaty with itself .
18 Alternatively , a single set of arithmetic instructions can be provided , and a processor mode register specifies what format the operands can be expected to be in .
19 If social psychology is to become a historical science , then this is the son of problem which can be expected to be posed .
20 These contrasting strands can be expected to be found within the same minds .
21 Growing in excess of 400mm , Synodontis schall can be expected to be quite long lived , provided it is well cared for in the aquarium .
22 When a higher-level index is first added , it can be expected to be less than one track in size .
23 However , certain features can be expected to be present in any viable theory .
24 Simply stated , the relative growth rate of an unconstrained plant can be expected to be constant .
25 The primary aim is to provide an authentic analysis of key legal , administrative , and policy themes which can be expected to be met during the development and implementation of a integrated approach .
26 The situation changes when dealing with a liquid as remains unaffected by the addition of molecules and can be expected to be zero .
27 With the emphasis being placed on long-run equilibrium , percentage changes in the rate of interest can be expected to be zero ( is a proxy for the return on a wide range of assets ) and the is the rate of change of output governed by real influences such as factor supplies and their productivities .
28 If the government increases the money supply to increase the price level to engineer a fall in the real wage , actors can be expected to be fully aware of this and hence to adjust the nominal wage so that no real purchase on the economy can be obtained .
29 For this reason any shortages in the system can be expected to be revealed in the discount houses ' position by 12 noon .
30 But to our disgust , and as Nigel mentioned , also that we have seen a demise of factory inspectors , and this is borne out by the fact that figures at the present time show that an average workplace can be expected to be visited once in eleven years .
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