Example sentences of "can be [verb] available " in BNC.

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1 Working Paper 4 states that new patients on a list or changed clinical conditions of existing patients will bring corresponding adjustments to the drugs budget , but it is not clear whether these adjustments will have to be made within the overall regional allocation to the FPC , or whether new funds can be made available during a year in recognition of patient migration .
2 God 's wonderful grace and power can be made available for us .
3 But amounts of up to £5,000 can be made available .
4 Put simply , the necessary finance can be made available to you in return for Barclays taking a minority shareholding in your business .
5 Information can be made available more easily through computer links without the need for a significant layer of intervening administrative bureaucrats or middle managers .
6 In nursing libraries a set of film loops of practical procedures can be made available , either for revision or to illustrate procedures that have not been available during a period of ward experience .
7 Short printed leaflets , such as pathfinders , subject guides or topical guides on subjects of current interest can be made available for use as and when required .
8 The second point is that the separate leaflet on , say , the inter-library loan service , the catalogues , or the reserved book collection , can be made available at the point of use or point of need .
9 Unlike human experts , they never take holidays and can be made available 24 hours a day .
10 These will determine , for instance , whether the present 50–50 split between the narrower range investments ( only in fixed interest ) and wider range investments ( fixed interest plus shares and unit trusts ) will be altered so that more money can be made available for fund mangers to invest .
11 Financial assistance for bringing proceedings can be made available .
12 Full written details can be made available on request .
13 And a cot , mattress and high chair can be made available for toddlers upon request .
14 In this way a student model containing a profile of attainment together with a history of progress to date can be made available to the trainer and to the trainee .
15 Tennis courts , Italian bowling , archery and mountain bikes can be made available for a charge payable locally .
16 This suggests , I think , that I must refine my earlier criterion in the following way : it is wrong for a person to be treated as a means to the satisfaction of another 's desire , and only allowable for them to be treated , with their consent , as a means to the satisfaction of another 's needs , if no other means for their satisfaction can be made available .
17 Identify placements which can be made available to school children in order that they can gain a firsthand view of the health service .
18 The whole can be made available in terms of ‘ live viewing ’ — the audience seeing the programme when it is transmitted — or ‘ consolidated viewing ’ , which adds in the people who record the programme and view it later on their VCR .
19 At the same time , all forms of what would usually be considered popular music can in principle be disseminated by face-to-face methods ( for instance , in concerts ) rather than the mass media , and can be made available free , or even structured as collective participation , rather than sold as a commodity ; it is hard to believe that a few friends , jamming on ‘ Born in the USA ’ at a party , are not producing ‘ popular music ’ .
20 Some useful information can be made available in chart form , such as a ‘ break-even chart ’ .
21 This refers to disorder on a widespread scale , and the officer should take into account not merely his own resources , but those that can be made available to him through the use of the mutual aid provisions of the Police Act 1964 .
22 The fact is that even if significant quantities of material can be made available from super quarries and recycling ( both of which cause their own environmental problems ) the environment and communities of Wales are facing a dramatic and unsustainable burden from aggregates provision in the years ahead .
23 The fact is that even if significant quantities of material can be made available from super quarries and recycling ( both of which cause their own environmental problems ) the environment and communities of Wales are facing a dramatic and unsustainable burden from aggregates provision in the years ahead .
24 Under the contingency insurance arrangements available in the market , but which do not form an integral part of the Agreement , insurance protection can be made available where the sum insured on private dwellinghouses does not exceed the threshold .
25 In addition copies of the Council 's training notes ‘ Lothian Regional — an Introduction to Council Tax ’ have been made available to your advisers and further copies can be made available free of charge if you would like to take advantage of this .
26 Alternatively the National and Regional Coaching Centres have supplies which can be made available to local or district associations of governing bodies .
27 ‘ We firmly and explicitly reject the idea that a Ph D student should be primarily a research assistant involved in an ongoing research project … the preparation of a Ph D thesis … provides a means of ensuring that research undertaken is preserved and can be made available to others . ’
28 Others who may well have had reservations about him ( though we shall probably have to wait some time before their reflections can be made available to us ) were the oil-company spokesmen to whom he advanced new facts of life during the earnestly disputed discussions between OPEC and the major companies in Tehran in December 1973 .
29 The emphasis has moved towards data because , if it can be made available in the correct form for applications , programming presents much less of a problem .
30 It is concerned with the forms energy can take , how efficiently it can be used and to what extent energy can be made available for useful work .
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