Example sentences of "say on bbc [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Within hours of saying on BBC radio that his candidacy was ‘ almost certain , ’ Sir Anthony , MP for Clwyd North-west , was summoned by Mr Cranley Onslow , chairman of the backbenchers ' 1922 Committee , who told him not to damage the party at a difficult mid-term juncture .
2 Earlier in the day , Mr Jack Cunningham , Labour 's campaign co-ordinator , said on BBC TV 's Breakfast Time , that Labour ‘ have made no decision about further sales of the Government 's holding of stocks in companies that have been privatised ’ .
3 ‘ We need time to debate some of these issues , to decide what new appeal , what fresh approach we make to those voters who have not yet been persuaded to come to us , ’ he said on BBC TV 's On the Record programme .
4 ‘ I have been in politics a bit longer than some of my colleagues , ’ he said on BBC TV 's On the Record yesterday .
5 Asked how Mellor would now be feeling , Parkinson said on BBC TV 's Question Time last night : ‘ He 's going to face a totally empty diary — and he 's going to have to come to terms with that . ’
6 He said on BBC Radio 's The World at One that the Lord Chancellor , Lord Mackay , ‘ has listened to our comments , and he has recognised our expertise by giving the Bar the fast track ’ on rights of advocacy .
7 By the end of the year we might be able to look back and prove it , but we ca n't do it today , ’ he said on BBC radio .
8 ‘ I do not think that will necessarily prolong the deliberations and the results will be available — the further recommendations and the analysis — within a year , though I would not nominate a month , ’ he said on BBC Radio 's World At One .
9 He said on BBC Radio Four 's World This Weekend programme : ‘ Rushing into a leadership battle , holding special conferences which will cost the party money it does not have , trying to steamroller people into making rapid decisions , I believe is a mistake . ’
10 ‘ And you will not get a better service for some long time to come , ’ he said on BBC radio .
11 I appreciate that greatly and my heart goes out to them , ’ he said on BBC Radio 4 's Today programme .
12 Earlier , Lord Annan , a former chairman of the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting , said on BBC radio that the affair was not a resignation matter for the chairman .
13 The Chancellor said on BBC television : ‘ I ca n't give a firm promise that this is the turning point , that they wo n't go up any higher .
14 Replying to common criticism that Margaret Thatcher tended to be a one-woman band , Mr Baker said on BBC television 's On the Record : ‘ I think there will be a growing amount of Cabinet discussion .
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