Example sentences of "will [adv] be achieve " in BNC.

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1 She turns the Government 's self-help approach around by arguing that urban recovery will only be achieved by empowering the people who live in cities .
2 The National Curriculum may introduce a greater degree of consistency in respect of subject content , but quality in the way such content is treated will only be achieved if the anomalies at the various levels — LEA support , school curriculum management and development , classroom provision — are attended to .
3 Therefore , while defensive measures must not be abandoned for the foreseeable future , we firmly believe sustainability will only be achieved by injecting an environmental imperative into the developmental process .
4 This will only be achieved if the approver 's Name/Password are valid and if that user is not already logged into LIFESPAN ( either interactively , or via PI or PMR ) .
5 Unstructured CPE will normally be achieved through private reading and study .
6 However , BR is concerned that the key assumption of the report — a UK annual growth rate of 1.7 per cent — will not be achieved .
7 This , of course , is a long-term aim and will not be achieved in the first season .
8 The whole point and purpose of authorities , I shall argue below , is to pre-empt individual judgment on the merits of a case , and this will not be achieved if , in order to establish whether the authoritative determination is binding , individuals have to rely on their own judgment of the merits .
9 But if she wants to attract new audiences this will not be achieved without a change of programming .
10 It is important to remember that the range performance shown in your aircraft flight manual will not be achieved unless the mixture is leaned .
11 The object is to promote stem growth in the desired direction line , but this will not be achieved if , as sometimes happens , a dormant eye emerges as two or three buds , or as not infrequently occurs on too weakly pruned stems , growth emerges in a completely wrong direction from lower buds .
12 Even on the government 's estimates , which may be too hopeful , it will not be achieved until 1995 — and meantime an election has to be held , by May next year .
13 In sum , effective penal reform will not be achieved until the central government takes it really seriously and
14 As in Eastern Europe , where privatisation has been accomplished , the full longer term benefits will not be achieved until the enterprises gain greater competitiveness .
15 Selling the organisation to prospective employees is an extremely costly business but clearly then , unless staff are available ill sufficient numbers , caring for the sick , even at present-day levels , will not be achieved .
16 In an intensely competitive world , if any team-member does n't know what contribution to profit he or she should make , the probability is that profit will not be achieved .
17 This will not be achieved by promulgating definitions , but by developing research which investigates both sets of phenomena , looking for similarities and differences .
18 … the Commission will not be judging its performance against local authority spending levels since this would be incompatible with its stated mission of helping authorities to improve returns on their annual investment and , in any case , any cost reductions will not be achieved by the Commission but by members and officers of authorities demonstrating the ‘ will to manage ’ .
19 Plans must be made , but they will not be achieved unless activities are monitored , and deviations from plan identified and corrected as soon as they become apparent .
20 Alternatively , and conversely , it may be recognized that the end goal will not be achieved without a period of turbulence , and the pace of change may actually be accelerated , to get it over as quickly as possible .
21 However , such an outcome will not be achieved without active pursuit by practitioners , managers , and organizations concerned with the rights and welfare of older people , and their acceptance of the challenge , as well as the opportunities , presented by a comprehensive , needs-led approach to assessment .
22 Reducing carbon dioxide emissions to required levels will not be achieved by ceasing to mine coal in Britain .
23 If these skills are not present to some degree , then reading and writing will not be achieved .
24 An increase will not be achieved without hard campaigning , particularly in view of the present government 's policies with regard to road-building ( high priority ) and investment in public transport ( low ) .
25 Erm I 've indicated this morning that I think the employment component of the new settlement is an absolutely crucial part of the overall concept and unless you get a very good employment area , all the other objectives for the new settlement will not be achieved .
26 Clearly , maximum transfer of power will not be achieved by cascading identical asymmetric sections between a source and correctly terminating iterative impedance .
27 It is acknowledged that the deadline of this April will largely be achieved , if only on paper .
28 I have in fact no explanation to offer as to how he came to die , and it may be that no trustworthy explanation will ever be achieved .
29 It is not something which will magically be achieved by 1992 .
30 In most firms , financial planning is seen as a nasty chore , and nobody really believes that the numbers agreed will actually be achieved .
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