Example sentences of "which once [vb past] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The decision comes as an embarrassment to the Scottish Office , which once planned opting-out as a centrepiece of its schools policy but has had to veto both the Yes votes so far — favouring Labour-run local authorities over parents .
2 Large and cavernous , The Ritz is a genuine twenties dancehall which once played host to all the giants of the jazz era .
3 In general , the materials which can be dated by radiocarbon are those which once formed part of the biosphere , and hence are organic .
4 Building on the core collection which once formed part of the outstanding collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence , Parker built up the Ashmolean prints and drawings collection into one of the world 's finest .
5 A LITTLE more light has come into the lives of children at a Romanian hospital with the arrival of a BNFL generator which once provided back-up power for Capenhurst 's E21 centrifuge plant .
6 His description of the galleries of Dent on either side of the narrow street is all that is left to remind us of their undoubted presence , ‘ I regret the loss of the grotesque and rude but picturesque old galleries , which once gave character to the streets ; and in some parts of them almost shut out the sight of the sky from those who travelled along the pavement .
7 The notion of pastiche is now a guiding thread in critical discourse , to the extent that Palandri 's novel can be put forward as ‘ a disturbing attempt to write a kitsch novel ’ ( De Michelis 1986a ) , and the argument be made — — referring to Piersanti 's Charles — that no novelist born in the 1950s can return to ‘ traditional narrative ’ without being aware that he/she is ‘ holding an old toy which might look fine in an antique shop , or might be an ornament or a collector 's item , but is no good for playing with any more ’ ; if they do use it ( but why should they if it is no use any more ? ) , it is with a mixture of pleasure and melancholy , ‘ like someone repeating a game which once gave pleasure for years and years and now gives none , only the memory of the joy it once gave ’ ( De Michelis 1986b ) .
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