Example sentences of "which come from [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is the most common form , an anti-parliamentarianism of crisis , a sudden flame of protest against the cronies who govern us , a deep desire , which come from a desperate belief that ‘ things must change ’ . ’
2 The ideas which come from a good theoretical understanding form hypotheses , and this concept is our next subject of study .
3 In January 1989 the CEGB 's Nuclear Fuel Director was finally forced to admit that nuclear fuel cycle costs ( the majority of which come from the ‘ back end ’ ) had overtaken those of coal stations .
4 In normal circumstances I would have written this information off as being about the small Green Swords which come from the Rio Sarabia , but in this case I could not , as the fish concerned had been supplied from Dr Kallman 's laboratory and were correctly named .
5 The individual , both male and female , is responsible for mastering emotions and the poisonous creative powers within the person which come from the crystal boxes of the Tianawa gods ( see below ) .
6 Ta'kwanya and ta'kwakomenae are the two components , or forces , of ta'kwaru , ‘ the life of thoughts ’ , both of which come from the crystal boxes of the gods .
7 In short , his argument is that it is the very abstraction which confers the material advantages of modern science , and the social advantages of both modern freedom and equality , which is also responsible for the dilemmas of exploitation and alienation. the central conflict is not , therefore , one between liberalism and equality , which come from the same root , but one emerging from a recognition that both of these entail consequences which may turn against the interests of the subject .
8 The person who is out in the front teaching the class , or directing the piece of work they 're doing , they do , and everybody in it does … the kind of work we do is to do with a group of people … getting into a drama studio , and you know the set-up here ; there 's no uniform , there 's no ‘ Sir ’ or ‘ Miss ’ , it 's all Christian names , and that means that the holds are broken down a lot , so what is done in the end is to produce work which we hope makes statements which come from the pre-occupations , the beliefs , the honestly held beliefs of the people involved , whether they 're working from a text , an interpretation of a text , or whether they 're working from improvisation , doing their own work … so they get constant assessment from that .
9 The SOED mainly funds research which is related to Government policy concerns but a small proportion of the budget is reserved to fund ideas which come from the research community .
10 SOED 's main funding effort goes into research related to Government policy but a small proportion for the research budget is reserved to fund ideas which come from the research community .
11 A lot of that has been set aside in substance and certainly in the attitudes and language which come from the government .
12 The withdrawn weapons which come from the United States and Britain are to be destroyed .
13 It does not , for instance , impinge on the fifteen or so criteria for sound initial teacher training which come from the CATE in its guidance about the professional education of those who teach in schools .
14 This is embodied in the theory developed by Flory and Huggins , but still represents only the combinatorial contribution , whereas there are other ( non-combinatorial ) contributions to the entropy which come from the interaction of the polymer with the solvent and are much harder to quantify .
15 He even uses words which come from the Old Testament Book of Daniel and they recognised that and here they 've got this pathetic looking individual in front of them threatening to destroy the temple , threatening to this , that and the other and here you 've got this power Sanhedrin who ca n't recognise him really as the Messiah and yet there 's a ring of truth about some of things that he 's talking about .
16 Some sort of buzz words known as social facilitation and social inhibition which come from the work of Allport .
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