Example sentences of "which used [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The deal was won by TVMM against strong competition from Scottish Televison , which used to be part of the same organisation as Grampian .
2 His great strength is that he looks a small-'c' conservative , with that appealing moderation which used to be thought Tory .
3 He 'd just look at us and wave and smile until we got to Khabarovsk which used to be named Katerinberg and was the city where , supposedly , the Czar and his family were murdered .
4 THE Dutch government is not fond of Lieut-Colonel Desi Bouterse , who runs the army and scares politicians in Suriname , the Latin American country which used to be Dutch Guiana .
5 Exports , which used to be the engine of growth , are down and imports are way up — by so much that in 1990 Korea experienced its first current-account deficit in five years .
6 Collusion , which used to be a bar to divorce , is no longer prohibited , and indeed a Committee chaired by Mrs Justice Booth recommended in 1985 that the parties should in future be entitled to file joint petitions for divorce .
7 For those who like variegated-leafed plants , another shade-loving perennial with good foliage and flowers is Brunnera macrophylla Dawson 's White ( which used to be known as Variegata ) .
8 Malik , a Cambridge Blue , owns the Reflex health club , which used to be Rugby 's clubhouse before they moved to the new one next door this season built at a cost of £438,000 .
9 The second I did n't hear about for four days and even then not from a friend but from the free paper which used to be given away in the bars once a week those days .
10 The Icelanders called one of their finest gushers of boiling water and steam Geysir , and this name was applied subsequently to all those depressing pieces of gas-fired plumbing which used to be a familiar part of the British bathroom scene .
11 And just to cap all this mythological irrelevance , the island of Vulcano is now linked by a small spit of land to another small volcano , Vulcanello , which used to be a separate island , and it has been suggested that this pair comprised the ‘ Scylla and Charybdis ’ , beloved of Homer and modern politicians , but then so have several other island pairs in the Mediterranean .
12 There are seven grades to be allotted , from A to G. Grades A , B , and C are aligned to the old O level grades A , B , and C , and to CSE grade I. Grades D and E are aligned to O level grades D and E and to CSE 2 and 3 ; while grade F is aligned to CSE grade 4 , which used to be considered the average grade in the population as a whole .
13 At Harle Syke , just outside the town to the north-east , Queen Street Mill , which used to be a cotton mill , has been preserved by the local council in association with Pennine Heritage , and the building 's steam engine , which powered the looms , remains in situ and in working order .
14 The railway had come from Belfast in 1842 , the original station having been at Seagoe and some will still recall the old sidings which used to be near the signal-box there .
15 Recently some areas which used to be moorland have been enclosed and ploughed , mainly on Exmoor .
16 What objects do you know which are now made of plastic but which used to be made from wood or steel ?
17 For example , to make methyl alcohol ( methanol , which used to be called wood alcohol ) , a 1:2 ratio is required ,
18 He was sent on teaching practice to Cowbridge Grammar School , one of those small country grammar schools which used to be the glory of Wales .
19 Czechoslovakia has some remarkable health centres , such as Karlovy Vary ( which used to be called Carlsbad ) where one can take the waters and have other health treatments .
20 Wealth : Is a member of Lloyd 's , which used to be an indication of serious cash but these days it can turn pretty iffy if one 's not careful !
21 At one time the Pinot Blanc and the Chardonnay , which used to be erroneously called the Pinot Chardonnay , were considered to be one and the same , which is why there is usually evidence of its existence wherever the Chardonnay is traditionally cultivated .
22 Across from the church are the Municipal Museum and Aquarium , in a fine old Portuguese house which used to be the home of the Count of Ribeiro Real .
23 Heavy provisions have already driven some societies into losses : something else which used to be unknown in the industry .
24 The direct start to Canol , Joe Brown 's classic E1 on Craig Ddu in the Llanberis Pass , is a hard pitch which used to be graded Severe because Doug Belshaw , who ascended it first , ‘ only led severes ’ .
25 For instance , the playing time per hour at Wimbledon has dropped from 7.18 minutes in the 1970's to 3.55 minutes , whereas at the US Open , which used to be played on grass , it has actually gone up slightly from 8.14 minutes to 8.18 minutes .
26 As a result , business was dictated by local tastes and tended to be conducted in the closing stages of the fair rather than at the private view , which used to be marked by dealers trading among themselves .
27 Much of the labour which used to be involved in manipulating and presenting data can now be delegated to specialised computer software but the basic issues of coding and structuring data still depend on the skills of the analyst .
28 Some of these names represent principalities and have a political significance ; others are simply regional tags which identify the surrounding population , for example the Solland in the far south , which used to be an independent realm but which is now part of Wissenland .
29 This has had its effect on some birds : the fields which used to be sown with oats meant stubble in autumn and winter which held large quantities of seeds .
30 Of the stars in the Square , the brightest is Alpheratz ( 2.1 ) , which used to be known as Delta Pegasi , but has now been transferred to Andromeda as Alpha Andromedæ .
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