Example sentences of "will want [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The graphics are superb , the tiny sprites bounce around magnificently and the dirt shading is so realistic you 'll want to clean your shoes after playing .
2 You 'll want to call his folks and there are various matters to arrange — statements to the Press and so forth — but please be assured that Dalgety will provide all possible support . ’
3 But he 'll want to audit their strengths , their weaknesses .
4 In the case of an Englishman they 'll want to take their beer , steak and chips , everything over to simply a hot climate and they live in their bubble .
5 ‘ And you 'll want to take your things off eventually , wo n't you ?
6 Of course , you 'll want to keep your cards to yourself , but the free-ranging mind that results will go with you into the negotiation .
7 Once you 've seen it , you 'll want to change your mind , they always do , and that causes a lot of extra bother . "
8 But Stirling is n't for instance , they 'll want to consider their pantomime again
9 She can help me choose my trousseau , and Harry , I 'll want to meet your foster family and the old cook who was so kind to you .
10 Cal said ‘ You 'll want to wash your hands ? ’ looking at Vern .
11 ‘ I 'm telling you ! ’ he shouted again , ‘ I 'll want to find my tea ready ! ’
12 They 'll want to hear your side of it . ’
13 Pricing is a key factor ; you will want to recoup your expenses and make a profit , yet not overprice your paintings for the sort of audience you will attract .
14 If the UK rate of interest goes up , people will want to deposit their money in the UK .
15 On your first visit to the doctor , he or she will want to confirm your suspicions by running a pregnancy test on a sample of your urine .
16 As countries become more prosperous , they will want to improve their infrastructure , but the aid and trade provision is exhausted because not enough money has been allocated , so even schemes that are within the rules are not approved .
17 In the long term , some of the earlier buyers will want to sell their timeshares , and the management company may undertake to do this for them on an agency basis , thus earning additional commission .
18 There 's a time in your life when you will want to replace your paperbacks and forgotten best sellers with a library of beautiful and important books .
19 Peter and Paul will want to remember their Mummy as she was before she got ill , and how much she loved and cared about them when they were younger , even if the illness makes here different .
20 And think of the climate — more people will want to spend their holidays with you than when you were MP for Ribble Valley . ’
21 ‘ We will want to monitor her health for the next month or two at least before letting her return to England . ’
22 ‘ Of course schools will want to continue their good practice of regular reports to parents and responding to any concerns parents might have .
23 A cash offer will be necessary where it is expected that some , if not all , shareholders will want to realise their investment .
24 Faldo will want to defend his Volvo Masters title if he wins here because he could then still clinch the European Order of Merit .
25 They will want to use their qualifications to shape their future , relying on the currency of these awards to help them gain access to more education/training , to support job applications or to underpin planned personal development .
26 Further , since we will want to use our laws to transform subcomponents of compound programs , P = Q must imply that C[P] is essentially the same as C[Q] for all contexts C[. ] ( programs with a slot in which to place a program segment ) .
27 ‘ We have a lot of people who at tea-time when it 's getting dark , will want to put their coat on and go home .
28 As they get older and identify with you , they will want to copy your style of behaviour .
29 Labour has to create a state system which is so good that no one will want to send their children anywhere else . ’
30 Charlotte 's friend , Mrs Gaskell , is writing a book about her , and perhaps she will want to read my story .
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