Example sentences of "will prove to be " in BNC.

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1 Bruce Springsteen will return to smaller venues , having realised that the Born In The USA tour was a big mistake , and Madonna will prove to be as durable as Bette Davis .
2 In order to make the radio series , over 30 interviews were recorded exclusively , although only 5% could be used in the finished production , which is why I decided to produce this book , which will prove to be an excellent documentation on the life of David Bowie — an insight into this enigma of the rock world — told by those who really know .
3 But many in the administration remain sceptical about how useful the United Nations will prove to be .
4 The tournament moves to Wembley today and Wright believes that this will prove to be to her advantage because the Perspex court is better suited to her slower style of play .
5 But having collected the first item on Alex Ferguson 's spring shopping list they hope it will prove to be the lever to rid themselves of a 25-year burden .
6 Only regulations 9 , 10 and 11 have a legal requirement for record keeping but Martin Newell , of the CIA 's COSHH guidance task force , believes that well kept records will prove to be a useful source of epidemiological data , as well as an invaluable resource to companies who may find they need to demonstrate compliance with the regulations as a result of litigation .
7 Stealth will prove to be a valuable asset ; it has often been so in the past .
8 If you have struggled to obtain more atmospheric pictures using low lighting conditions , then this book will prove to be a valuable addition to your reference collection .
9 The facts and figures certainly lie underneath but , hopefully , they will prove to be the most unimportant part of the document .
10 This question of the definition of a knowledge worker will prove to be germane to our subsequent discussion , and we will need to develop the theme in more detail .
11 How successful such efforts will prove to be will not only depend on commercial sales potential but also on the costs which will be incurred in laboratory and field testing procedures , similar to those discussed in relation to crop protection chemicals in section 6.4 , which are necessary for registration .
12 It is more likely , however , that these singularities will prove to be more than artificial coordinate singularities that particles can pass through .
13 The computer has dealt what will prove to be a mortal blow to the ‘ priesthood ’ of printing — those who have spent many years gaining the skills needed to turn a typescript into a printed page .
14 Could it therefore be , as the theorist Paul Dirac suggests , that when confronted with these non-local effects , quantum theory will prove to be inadequate ?
15 I shall merely be requesting information about a taste which puzzles me , not demanding a further reason without which the whole string of answers will prove to be baseless .
16 Williams added : ‘ I am confident Damon will prove to be an ideal partner to Alain .
17 It is our belief — shared by a number of retailers — that Christmas will prove to be yet another false dawn as far as reawakening consumer confidence is concerned .
18 It is likely , however , that the most potent and effective form of communication will prove to be personal contact — through seminars , workshops , site visits and perhaps through short-term secondments that will feed proven experience from ‘ best ’ sites to others where there is scope for improvement .
19 There is now a firm grip on the conditions affecting the health of the populace of the borough and it is certain , given time , the innovations put into practice during the past few years will prove to be of enormous benefit , particularly to the health of infants and mothers of West Ham .
20 You must also remember to press some of the other parts of the roses , such as the sepals and perhaps even the centres , as these will prove to be useful later on when you come to reassemble them into a design .
21 This will prove to be true , not only in considering the authors individually , but also in demonstrating some common patterns of behaviour , personality , and creative expression among writers subject to pathological mental states .
22 Hopefully , this will prove to be a posthumous tribute to someone to whom the Trust have cause to be grateful , and are much saddened by his death .
23 It is to be hoped that the new management structure will prove to be a winning solution for the railway which has so much potential that it is a shame to witness the present agony .
24 Her return to action will prove to be a major attraction at Bo'ness where the SRPS are also investing in a new visitor trail facility .
25 That will prove to be another interesting machine to review .
26 The effect of this , quite naturally , is for even the most conscientious of organisations not to bring out modifications or amendments and to keep their fingers crossed in the hope that their suspicions of a failure or shortcoming will prove to be unsubstantiated .
27 It remains to be seen whether the IBM name will prove to be boon or bane .
28 This immediately triggered talk about a triple ( or is it a quadruple ? ) dip , but many economists believe it will prove to be no more than a stutter .
29 N.B. Throughout this book we refer to " schools " and " teachers " , since these are involved in the initial phase of Compact , but we hope that the " Questions Teachers Ask " section will prove to be relevant and useful to college lecturers as well .
30 Where DTI Education and Enterprise Advisers are in post they will prove to be invaluable partners in making Compact work .
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