Example sentences of "will continue [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You will continue through vast orchards of citrus groves , one of the agricultural miracles brought by global warming to this previously arid land .
2 The mistake , of either party , is to assume that the coalition will continue for other issues .
3 Kohl 's Christian Democrats will continue to back nuclear power .
4 As long as people want to buy cakes which suggest that an old lady wearing a mob-cap is baking them in a Victorian farmhouse , the food firms will continue with dotty deceptions which add nothing to the nutritional value of our food .
5 That 's the end of the shipping forecast but just to remind you that Radio Four long wave in Northern Scotland , Orkney and Shetland is off the air as the bulkhead transmitter has been affected by the bad weather but as soon as it 's repaired we will repeat the shipping forecast for the areas affected that 'll be on long wave only and F M will continue with scheduled programmes .
6 This will continue with particular emphasis on developing regional resources for the teaching of communication and for training in alternative media work .
7 Just as the emergency services and the staff at Musgrave Park hospital reacted with superlative speed and dedication to allay the effects of this atrocity , so the security forces — to whom I pay the warmest of tributes — will continue with vigorous and impartial professionalism to defend the community and to bring suspected terrorists to justice .
8 Diamond Service will continue on domestic flights .
9 This will help pupils to develop a personal love of reading which will continue after compulsory schooling .
10 The VHPB agreed a consensus statement detailing measures to improve effectiveness of vaccination programmes , and established some principles in its discussion on risk which will continue in future meetings .
11 While there may be some doubt whether such provision will continue in future salary settlements , the University remains firmly of the view that the majority of these arrangements , at least as regards academic staff , are an inadequate substitute for satisfactory levels of general salary increase when applied to a university in which virtually all staff are of the highest quality .
12 Unlike incremental/line-item budgeting , ZBB does not automatically assume that existing programmes will continue in succeeding years .
13 The 25 per cent rule Because it is a continuing requirement for a listing that at least 25 per cent of the company 's shares must be in the hands of the public , a listed company must ensure that this percentage will continue in public hands following each market purchase .
14 Unless something is done , dealer margins will continue in free fall and the customers will continue to shop around for the best price in the belief that service is universally lousy , and that 's in nobody 's interest .
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