Example sentences of "will lead to [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just s'posed to be an argument but this will lead to up , like an argument of like them kind of buildings , are not like buildings , like tradition , to keep with the tradition .
2 These examples of patterns of discipline — different parental approaches to good and naughty behaviour — if repeated over and over again in different situations will lead to either a badly behaved ( disobedient ) child or a reasonably compliant youngster .
3 I am confident that by increasing the responsibility and accountability of those working in the service , by increasing patient choice , and by ensuring appropriate rewards for those who deliver results , my proposals will lead to even better patient care for the people of Wales .
4 This will lead to even greater problems when there are errors in scoring or labelling some portion of the lattice .
5 What should we do to help re-build the frail economy , prevent old scores from being settled in ways which will lead to even further insecurity .
6 New regulations will require an act of Parliament , but without POs , the industry fears the present rush to increase production , brought about by improved prices , will lead to oversupply in two or three years and another crash — effectively a repetition of events in recent years .
7 Those who favour local authority independence argue that : ‘ National financial controls will lead to nationally run services and that is politically dangerous ’ ( Glennerster , Power and Travers , 1991 ) .
8 For example I can see a good case for a local headmaster being a member of the authority , representing educational concerns or for some representations say from significant ethnic groups within the area , but these can be identified and appointed by the authorities themselves , whose local knowledge will lead to far more accurate selection than Whitehall or Whitehall inspired sources .
9 This is , I suspect , the beginning of a process that will lead to much the same outcome as was brought about by the hundreds of Government amendments — sometimes running into four figures — that have been tabled to similar Bills .
10 Too many bureaucratic controls will lead to too little profit .
11 Despite Dr Clarke 's global scenario , the low birth-rate in Scotland in the early 1970's is working its way through the system and will lead to significantly fewer potential National Certificate clients in the 16–19 year old age range in the coming years .
12 The inspectorate claims that the new limits will lead to significantly lower discharges into the atmosphere and the Irish sea .
13 Our arrangements will lead to about 6,000 inspections each year , and each parent will receive , without requesting it , a straightforward description of the inspection .
14 The BSS UK dismisses any suggestion that use of the Beltex as a terminal sire will lead to more lambing problems ; so far those who have used Beltex rams for crossing report no more incidence of assisted lambings than would normally have been dealt with .
15 This process of continuous evaluation , if carried out conscientiously , will lead to more effective teaching .
16 The expansion will be at HSC 's site in Geleen , the Netherlands , and HSC president , Winfried Vermijs , said in a recent statement , ‘ Even though our expanded facility will only be on-line late in 1993 , we believe the availability of a credible , alternative supplier of aspartame will lead to more uniform prices worldwide in the course of 1992 ’ .
17 Pessimists may say that this will lead to more elderly people being burdened with the costs of deteriorating houses ; optimists , that a higher proportion of future cohorts of the elderly will be accustomed to capitalizing on their assets .
18 It is hoped that the research will lead to more effective application of new advanced manufacturing technology .
19 He does not believe the impending reorganisation of local government will lead to more efficient services .
20 They claim the Act will lead to more financial hardship for breadline families and trigger more violence in the home .
21 A constant period is available during seeks to process the records already in main storage , and if every record requires the same processing time this will lead to very predictable run timings .
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