Example sentences of "which [vb mod] probably [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 He had some minor heart ailment , and then a kidney problem which could probably have been treated .
2 He says that the device can reveal many things which would probably remain undiscovered because they 're under concrete .
3 The total fighting force is some 18,000 , which would probably mean a figure of about 72,000 for the whole migration .
4 She was now only a step away from her target , so she was n't far from getting to know him well enough to question him about his allegiance — just as long as she could keep his escort sweet , which would probably mean more bondage if that was the only way he could get his nuts off .
5 Our inclination would be to recommend that you do go for option 2 , as there are some excellent off the shelf accounting packages available for the construction industry which would probably give you a lot more information than you have now .
6 Well I I I mean I see six as being quite specific in relation to agricultural land instead of the more general philosophy erm which would probably appear in other parts of the structure plan policies .
7 What she explains as the free manner of speech of West Coast Canadians , which would probably go down quite well in the United States , has raised Canadian eyebrows .
8 Taking advantage of the dry season , which would probably end in April , government units were said now also to be attacking the SPLA from across the border in Ethiopia itself .
9 The last thing either side wants is a public trial of strength which would probably succeed only in damaging the long-term interests of each .
10 Many disabled people , often on income support , may earn relatively low wages , and the consequences of a minimum wage would be a withdrawal of job opportunities which would probably affect them in particular .
11 Other and if it was n't for for me doing a course next year which would probably preclude me from doing that , I 'd be quite interested .
12 The clear association of religious cults with the buildings at Chedworth can be much strengthened by the existence of other structures in the vicinity which would probably have been part of a large establishment .
13 That statement was not , in my view , ever intended to acknowledge the existence of any wider discretion than to exclude ( 1 ) admissible evidence which would probably have a prejudicial influence upon the minds of the jury that would be out of proportion to its true evidential value ; and ( 2 ) evidence tantamount to a self-incriminatory admission which was obtained from the defendant , after the offence had been committed , by means which would justify a judge in excluding an actual confession which had the like self-incriminating effect .
14 They carefully avoided the black peasant producing regions which would probably have been more beneficial to the Kenyan economy .
15 Then he had steered her to a chair , rather than the sofa , which would probably have provoked a new attack of ‘ imagination ’ .
16 Which would probably have cheered an angry Oz reader , who signed himself ‘ J.F. ’ in a letter to the magazine that year .
17 You know instead of tipping it over which would probably help I 'd put that
18 Incidentally , I trust that the fretwire used is up to scratch ; I 've recently seen a few Korean guitars with very soft fretwire which would probably need a re-fret after only a short time .
19 Logically , the editor 's research team would also have to be banned , which would probably discourage potential editors even more .
20 Without digressing into the subject of word processing in itself , which would probably require a paper all of its own , suffice it to say that word processing programs on computer enable letters and any other documents to be created , corrected if necessary , then stored on disk or tape ready for printing or alteration at a later data In this example a general letter inviting a candidate to interview could be drawn up and then only the details specific to each candidate need be added before printing the letter .
21 When Curzon taxed him with setting in motion ‘ a revolution … which will probably lead by stages of increasing speed to the ultimate disruption of the empire ’ , Montagu replied , aghast : ‘ Surely you did not mean this ! ’
22 Perennial favourites from Nike , the Mariah and Duellist are supplemented by the Pegasus Racer , which will probably capitalise on the name and success of the Pegasus trainer .
23 Schools must calculate the ‘ True cost ’ of letting facilities which will probably reflect an increase in charges , but will generally want to have better facilities and community involvement to attract recruitment .
24 A Scandinavian study uses a randomisation scheme which will probably prevent the group from obtaining a scientifically valuable result .
25 A more definitive response to him must await the time which will probably arrive when the clergy ordination measure is taken on the Floor of the House .
26 You 're tangled up in something which will probably end in humiliation .
27 However , it 's best to keep water pipes as short as possible , which will probably mean having the loo and bath either against an outside wall , or near the main soil pipe if this is run inside .
28 Between May and August the RNLI 's own crews will have put the boat through a similar series of tests , trials and familiarisation trips , which will probably encompass the equivalent of another year of normal operating use .
29 It 's a tragedy which will probably set us back a generation .
30 Unlike Holland , Brazil played the team which will probably appear in Italy .
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