Example sentences of "which [vb mod] allow they " in BNC.

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1 But in a way that puts cash into companies which may allow them to increase their dividends . ’
2 He said Russian planes were not carrying ‘ air-to-surface ’ missiles or bombs , which could allow them to attack targets on the ground .
3 The Scots aimed at a federal system which would allow them some autonomy .
4 And secondly , would it not be wiser in terms of employment to steer ‘ low-quality ’ graduates towards ‘ high relevance ’ courses which would allow them at least to offer some expertise to prospective employers ?
5 Fergus in exchange for Calatin , for only Calatin could weave the Enchantment which would allow them to ride in the Time Chariot .
6 Some of their operational balances are therefore transferred to the rest of the monetary sector and banks initially appear to have achieved what they want : more balances , fewer ‘ call ’ loans and a more favourable ratio which would allow them to lend more .
7 According to FMLN sources , the plan envisaged giving the guerrillas full administrative control over their zone in a " transitional period " , until peace talks produced a final accord which would allow them to disarm and convert themselves into a purely political movement .
8 During the Kyoto session the southern African representatives advanced a compromise formula , which would allow them to resume regulated trade ( i.e. with reclassification of the African elephant to Appendix II ) , and to resume selling elephant hides and meat , but with an initial zero quota ( until 1994 ) for ivory .
9 They denied that subjects possessed inalienable natural rights which would allow them to question the legitimacy of duly constituted authority , and those who maintained that sovereignty was vested in the Crown-in-Parliament did so in order to undermine Whig populist notions that the people could call their rulers to account .
10 All incoming graduate students ( including non-ESRC funded students ) are expected to participate unless they have already completed a Master 's or equivalent coursework elsewhere which would allow them to claim exemption from some or all requirements .
11 During the Kyoto session the southern African representatives rallied around a compromise formula , which would allow them to resume trade in elephant hides and meat ( i.e. with reclassification of the African elephant to Appendix II ) but with an initial zero quota for ivory .
12 Drawing 100lb sleds loaded with food and equipment , including a radio and a satellite dish which will allow them to track their position , members of the British North Geomagnetic Polar Expedition face the earth 's coldest temperatures , treacherous sheet-ice and polar bears .
13 Local authorities will be given a ‘ general power of competence ’ , which will allow them to carry out any beneficial local action which neither duplicates the work of other public bodies nor breaks the law .
14 All the other senior royals — including the Queen , Prince Philip , Prince Charles and Princess Diana — have official engagements in Scotland which will allow them to attend .
15 It 's also put together a rescue strategy for the 40 or so licencees of the former MIPS Computer Systems Inc Risc/OS which will allow them to migrate over to Unix SVR4 : the MIPS operating system is being retired by MIPS ' new parent , Silicon Graphics Inc .
16 A significant number of people will not learn the language of the host country to a level which will allow them to communicate effectively outside their day to day routine .
17 The facts that will now be provided will give parents the missing information which will allow them to judge a school overall .
18 This will take place in five stages : — orientation interviews , to select the texts and to establish the communicative context ; — initial analysis of texts which will focus on linguistic features likely to indicate relations between disciplines ; — directed interviews with the participants which will allow them to comment on the details of the analysis ; — comparison of texts from different locations and situations to show if a pattern of features is merely peculiar to one writer or if it may have general social significance .
19 The Samples of Anonymised Records will be kept in a form which will allow them to be read into a variety of software packages .
20 This poses the danger of weeds crossbreeding with genetically engineered crops , which will allow them to inherit traits that will make them better able to survive drought , frost or pests .
21 The managers will wish to negotiate a salary which will allow them to meet interest payments on any borrowings to purchase their equity without reducing their standard of living .
22 The rapid expansion in the levels of information available in society also makes it increasingly important that pupils begin to develop an awareness of the wealth of information available and the skills and confidence which will allow them to make use of the information after they leave school .
23 Terrorists must be certain that there are no safe bolt-holes which will allow them to escape the law .
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