Example sentences of "which [pers pn] have learn " in BNC.

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1 Tremayne bore the jokes with reasonable fortitude , cheered by the absence of enquiry or even remarks from the Jockey Club , not even strictures about ‘ bringing racing into disrepute ’ , which I 'd learned was the yardstick for in-house punishment .
2 All of which I 'd learnt from Churchill , of course .
3 Prodigal mimesis from which I 've learned .
4 In fact , the weeds were the most notable feature at first glance — more than waist-high in places , and Nigel soon disappeared among them , heading uphill to check the height of the fall of water , which I had learnt was described as ‘ the head ’ .
5 I had it done to remind me of a mistake from which I have learnt much , and of an ending which I have no cause to regret . ’
6 It was in 1946 at the Stockholm Opera as Agathe in Der Freischütz , which she had to learn in three days .
7 A word which she had learned from Rose .
8 From there she returned to her room until , leaving herself plenty of time to spare , and dressed in her best suit , a leaf-green wool affair with a rounded neck and long-line jacket , she ran a final comb through her shining pale gold hair and left the hotel for an address which she had learned was actually on the outskirts of Mariánské Láznë .
9 She was invaluable for remembering original routines , which she had learnt from old John Tiller himself .
10 Her next door neighbour , a Mrs. Ellen Greaves , gave evidence that she had constantly challenged Esther Dyson in sign language ( which she had learnt through daily contact with the deaf brother and sister ) over the preceding few months about her being in the family way .
11 She could still remember it all intensely : the swimming pool in which she had learnt to do a dog-paddle ; the ring game ; the endless stretch of blue ocean ; the vast liner as big as a city through which she and Pappy had wandered endlessly .
12 Then , because he was feeling happy , confident and delighted with the speed at which she had learnt everything , knew , musically , all her roles , he began to sing Gesner 's part himself in his cracked old basso voice .
13 Which she has to learn to do in
14 This step is the preparatory part of the process and in its ideal form it produces an electron in one of those well-defined states of motion which we have learnt to think of as represented by a vector in a vector space .
15 This is not so , they argue , because we apprehend the world through a system of meaning which we have learned from others and of which language is an essential part .
16 A confrontationalism which we have learned from modern politics .
17 On Sundays the ‘ psalm children ’ came from the villages to be heard reciting a psalm which they had learnt by heart during the week .
18 Lydia thought herself very slow not to have realised all this before , but then she reflected that the rapidity with which they had learned the circumstances of this secluded family was in itself strange .
19 Petrovich found in her interviews with the children , that if she started off asking them about " God " , as a word which they had learned , the majority of them said that God was a man .
20 Computer programmers and analysts will be allowed to make use of programming techniques and skills which they have learnt and which have become part of their own skill and experience , unless there is something very special about them or they have expressly agreed not to make further use of them .
21 Two or three years later he might suddenly be appointed a full-time magistrate , even though by that time he had probably forgotten all of the law which he had learnt .
22 When he reached maturity , we would be in a position to know precisely which of his behavioral patterns he had inherited and which he had learned .
23 We dealt with this by getting someone to stand at his head and reinforcing the message with the verbal command ‘ Stand ’ which he had learned on the lunge .
24 If he could have talked to her in Italian it would have been different , but his correct English , which he had learned from his mother who had had an English governess , and which he only ever spoke with her friends or on a case that required it , was of no use to him now .
25 In spite of all the centuries which he had to learn about it the traditional ship-wright seemed to be unable to understand about shear .
26 As Amrit Wilson points out in the catalogue , Orientalism allows the artist to project on to the Orient ‘ all those aspects of his nature which he has learnt to hate and fear : the contradictions between Judaeo-Christian morality and his own sexuality , between the work ethic and his longing for intense aesthetic and sensuous experiences … ’
27 Whatever his private political convictions , and whether he angrily denounces it as ‘ ethnocide ’ or not , no anthropologist worth his salt can dispassionately contemplate the destruction of a traditional way of life which he has learnt to appreciate and admire .
28 It can now find some of the seeds , shoots and vines which it has learned by example are good to eat .
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