Example sentences of "which [be] base [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These images build up into stereotypes ; generalizations about what is to be expected of older people , which are based at best on partial information rather than the full diversity of their real lives .
2 The mainframe is linked to detection boxes developed by Granada , which are based at each customer 's site .
3 Narrative dance is used in the conversations between the Miller , his Wife and their canary , and between the Wife and the Corregidor , which are based on flamenco music .
4 Secondly , there are modern works which are based on tales of passionate love , often frustrated or unrequited , and usually ending in tragedy , e.g. Romeo and Juliet , A Month in the Country and The Invitation .
5 British experts are likely to dispute these calculations which are based on mathematical models that attempt to extrapolate likely human cancers from laboratory studies .
6 The computer did not plan an Agnes or a Paul , but only a prototype known as a human being , giving rise to a large number of specimens which are based on the original model and have n't any individual essence .
7 There are , however , two criticisms which have been levelled at Hamilton 's ideas , mainly by sociologists and anthropologists , which are based on a misunderstanding .
8 Meanwhile , the Royal Opera has marked the occasion by reviving its 1990 production of Guillaume Tell , thus providing London 's opera-goers with the chance to hear two large-scale French operas by Italian composers which are based on plays by Schiller .
9 Thirdly , appropriate training and development strategies must be established which are based on analysis and creating the capability to act ; such training is thus confrontational and enabling .
10 Fifthly , selection procedures must be introduced which are based on accurate and relevant person and job specifications and which are predictive in nature .
11 The main variation on the area theme tends to occur in authorities which are based on a very large city collection .
12 Educational decisions hike other administrative decisions ) involve choices between available alternatives which are based on both educational and economic factors , and which often involve subjective judgement and value decisions .
13 There can be little doubt that there is available to humankind meanings to the words ‘ god ’ and ‘ religion ’ which are based on reason and the intelligent interpretation of the limitless amount of information on the course of evolution and civilisation which can be gathered through the study of history and prehistory .
14 ‘ Well , you ca n't really define good humbuckers any more , so I just sent the Seymour Duncans which are based on the originals , made the exact same way that the original humbuckers were . ’
15 Despite these various arguments suggesting high unemployment from rapid technical change which are based on the foundation laid by him , Leontief has himself , with a colleague ( Leontief and Duchin 1983 ) , recently published the results of a survey of the likely effects of new technology on the US economy up to the year 2000 which concludes that , far from there being net job losses , there will be a substantial rise in the aggregate labour force over this period due to the rapid take-up of the technology .
16 The Review Panel publicises its criticisms , which are based on departures from accepted accounting standards , and which usually require changes in accounting policies affecting reported results .
17 Try to steer away from foods which are based on sugar , and avoid dishes which are likely to be salty , such as crisps , chips , sausages etc .
18 Terrines and pâtés are both creations of haute cuisine — keep away from those which are based on offal and pork — good substitutes are light chicken terrines , fish and vegetable versions .
19 While some checklists may simply identify a list of ‘ useful linguistic skills ’ which may serve as a selection menu with few constraints on the sequence in which separate items are taught , those which are based on a developmental sequence place strong constraints on the selection of teaching objectives .
20 Our three pictures marked A , B and C show scenes from three popular TV soaps which are based on three public services .
21 Table 4.2 According to the latest available information from the UKCC , it is proposed that on completion of a suitable programme , the following outcomes , which are based on up to date knowledge of the practice of nursing or health visiting , should be achieved by the nurse or health visitor in order to practise safely after a break in service :
22 The 1980 Survey 's section on the elderly was asked only of those aged 65 and over , and therefore tables in this chapter which are based on the 1980 data include only the sub sample in this age band .
23 It has to be possible to produce spontaneously original sentences which are based on implicit rules which allow generalisation .
24 A second major area of functionalist thinking is in accounts of the legal system which are based on Marx 's base — superstructure metaphor ( Cohen , 1978 ) .
25 In addition to reinforcing our general conceptions concerning the underpinnings of liberalism , economic theories , which are based on the assumption of ‘ rational economic man ’ , highlight especially the notion of human beings as self-regarding creatures which underpins liberal theories in general .
26 The exhibition of nearly 360 works is divided into twenty-three categories , each with its own gallery , which are based on movements , time periods , or individual artists .
27 The development of science and education has done something similar in the development of mankind , and is more successful than religions in providing real gains in the external world , because its image of the external world is more accurate than those which are based on religious notions .
28 For the most extreme form of quoted speech without source markers can be found on the earliest pages of certain infant reading schemes which are based on severely restricted vocabulary and a word recognition model .
29 The intrusion of these emotions into a relationship , whether or not related to sexual issues , is responsible for a good many sexual problems which are based on them , not directly but through decline in the quality of the relationship itself .
30 I find too that circumstances compel a socialist Council like Harlow to be constrained and constricted when building , there are too many laws and regulations which are based on the fact that , for instance , today 's government thinks that people who rent houses are second class citizens .
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