Example sentences of "which [pron] [verb] come " in BNC.

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1 ‘ George Graham has been very supportive in the last few years , during which I 've come through a lot of problems .
2 But now it 's it 's highly professional which I 've come through the stages
3 I think for example of the sensitivity of some of the small market towns , the point for example that was made to us last week about the sensitivity one settlement with which I 've come increasingly familiar over the last fortnight and that is town centre .
4 I like the region a great deal and erm am enjoying the stimulating atmosphere which I 've come into .
5 I had said that we should go to Egypt for this , not believing that the occasion would ever really arise ; that I should be married to Syl and taken to the country in which I had come to life and lost it .
6 My best course would have been to follow the track to the village , strike the road , and then to go along the road until I met the track by which I had come from the shore .
7 I make a habit of sending a certain number of cases of wine each year to individuals at any level of the company who have done something which I have come across which seems to be particularly meritorious .
8 In the light of the conclusion to which I have come , I do not need to explore further the question of the exercise of the judge 's discretion .
9 Er but er I 've managed to fiddle it with the suggested preachers for the November series , which I have come a little bit unstuck about .
10 You know nothing of the world in which you have come to live , and I should have warned you about Rose , only I did not know that you were going out with her until after you had gone , and then , of course , it was too late . ’
11 She climbed onto the bike and set off in the direction from which she had come , gathering speed as she descended .
12 Her humble beginnings , the magical means by which she had come to share her half-sister 's privileged life and had later by the queen-dowager 's design taken her place , had been part of some pre-ordained plan .
13 She was terrified that Brian was going to bring up the word all the baby manuals kept using and which she had come to hate : bonding .
14 For what seemed an age , she studied his features , strong lean features which she had come to know so well .
15 After that , she turned to the task for which she had come .
16 Stunned , he proceeded , coughing , in the direction from which she had come .
17 The periodic ‘ Fed bashing ’ which one has come to expect of the incumbent political Administrations has again resurfaced .
18 At first we considered moving to Devon , which we had come to know during speaking engagements for Mark Bonham-Carter at Torrington and Jeremy Thorpe at Barnstaple , but not seeing anything to our liking , turned our thoughts to our native Scotland .
19 The harbour was crammed with the great prahus which we had come so far for , but our attempts to communicate with the captains and crewmen were discouraging .
20 In the course of the evening a note was handed in from Mrs Campbell of Jura House saying she had heard of our arrival and as she was sure there was no comfort in the Hotel she hoped we would come there in the morning and stay with them while we were on the island , assuring us also that she would do all in her power to further the cause for which we had come .
21 Just so , there are certain levels of understanding in coming to believe that Christianity is true , and these may bear no relation to the ‘ stages ’ by which we have come to faith .
22 The view to which we have come is that the cause was part of a causal circumstance as conceived .
23 He does not supplement but instead denies the view of causation to which we have come .
24 Effects are such , on the view of causation to which we have come , since there is the possibility of finding those things which no matter their accompaniment would still have been followed by the effect .
25 There is , therefore , none of the fitful air of discontinuity about the Schrödinger equation which we have come to associate with the quantum world .
26 Newtonian physics at one time seemed to give support to the idea that the universe was ordered and mechanistic and , therefore , divinely made ; Darwinism challenged many of the basic tenets of Christianity , thereby setting science and religion in opposition and creating an important set of dualities — rationality/irrationality , reason/faith — through which we have come to construct science .
27 The poverty of the farm worker today is obviously very different from that which existed in the countryside in Victorian times , but the majority of farm workers are poor by the standards which we have come to expect in modern Britain .
28 The nadir was reached when the Royal 600cc class went out with only 10 starters and although it developed into a tremendous race between Joey Dunlop and Ian King , there was n't the strength in depth which we have come to take for granted .
29 Lights were already showing back down the road along which they had come , and in the distance there was the sound of shots being fired .
30 But the stories told by these twenty prisoners of the camp from which they had come , stirred the most lethargic and bore-minded five year man .
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