Example sentences of "that be [art] best " in BNC.

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1 And that is the best thing I ever heard . ’
2 ‘ Yes , often that is the best way to start .
3 The world is changing , and just because defence , nuclear energy and agricultural research have been done in certain ways in the past does not mean that that is the best way now .
4 17.68 As James Britton and his colleagues put it : ‘ very close reading of children 's writing is essential , because that is the best means we have of understanding their writing processes .
5 ‘ In 10 or 15 years William will be an adult capable of taking on those responsibilities , and the Royal Family may well feel that is the best option for everybody . ’
6 And his quality show earned the praise of manager Steve Gritt , who said : ‘ That is the best all-round performance I 've seen from him and for the second game in succession he 's earned us a draw . ’
7 ‘ If that is the best my players can do then they are not good enough , ’ he fumed .
8 ‘ I think that is the best way for England to play .
9 We think that is the best method .
10 In the long run , that is the best way of protecting staff and customers alike .
11 We must discuss carefully whether that is the best way that money should be spent .
12 That is the best way of providing a good environment in which businesses can flourish .
13 That is the best forum for that to be thrashed out and , I hope , in the end resolved .
14 Are we not being taught the lesson that parents want independence for their schools — whether or not they are in the state sector — because that is the best way of achieving the best possible education for children in Ealing , Cleveland and everywhere else ?
15 That is the best way to back Britain and British industry .
16 That is the best thing for industry and for a strong recovery from the recession .
17 We must accept that the bogus traveller — that is the best title to give to such a person — is seeking no more than a better life .
18 I know that criticisms will be made as a proper part of our deliberations today about whether that is the best use of the money .
19 However , my Committee does not believe that that is the best way to deal with legislation .
20 I wish we had someone better than Aschmann , but if that is the best we can do , then we shall have to manage .
21 Erm that quite clear , that is the best solution .
22 get the figures , do I mean , we 're talking generalities , if you 're saying from what you know already the , the remote control gear is going to be sixteen double O four six eight O seven , and that is the best bearing arrangement that anybody could , anybody could produce , then , if that 's the answer , then for goodness sake get the figures , stick 'em in a memo so we can go and hit Peter , and make it quite clear to them that over the next year they 're going to lose half a million six double O ones , or whatever it is
23 Dr Paisley told campaigners : ‘ I have campaigned very hard indeed for the retention of acute services in local hospitals as I believe that is the best means of serving the needs of local communities . ’
24 I think some stations might do that , but they only do it if , if it 's , if it 's not going to be detrimental to the turn out , in other words they , they have a system , erm for instance they have a duty crew over the weekend , so that at least some can take their families to the seaside if they wanted to , so six will remain around the house er er but they do have some system , but I think the majority of fire stations , there are twenty seven in Suffolk like that , who work on the system of getting there as quickly as they can , and that is the best competition to get there , to get the ride .
25 Oh that is the best !
26 that is the best pen I have
27 Yeah , that is the best movie .
28 I mean there 's no question that that is the best way to do it .
29 So far , that is the best one we 've had .
30 Well it 's ‘ easy come , easy go ’ in those places , you should put it behind you and carry on with life , that 's the best thing .
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