Example sentences of "as opposed [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 His approach is essentially a gene-centred as opposed to an organism-centred one ( see p. 30 ) .
2 When it opened at the Haymarket Theatre Royal in 1956 Kenneth Tynan hailed it as perhaps ‘ the finest artificial comedy to have flowed from an English ( as opposed to an Irish ) pen since the death of Congreve ’ .
3 As well as the transformation of the Bois de Boulogne and Vincennes into real parks , as opposed to an ‘ arid waste covered by trees ’ ( the words were the Emperor 's ) , an attempt was made to endow all the areas of the city with small squares , which were in essence miniature parks ranging in size from one-quarter of an acre to six acres .
4 Leicestershire is the only county to account for its distributions from the TCCB on a cash as opposed to an accruals basis .
5 To my ears it sounds like a composed solo as opposed to an improvisation , and as such is very typical of his rock/metal soloing approach at that time .
6 The idea that Sir Alastair 's departure represents a ‘ loss ’ for ITN — as opposed to an overdue opportunity to regain credibility — is gobsmackingly misguided .
7 If we have no evidence or proof of a ‘ real ’ distinction of myth from history , as opposed to an ideological claim or commitment to it , either in society as a whole , or amongst the community of scholars or even , it now appears , in the exalted ranks of classical Greek historians and political theorists , then to ask whether literacy , however defined , is a cause of such a distinction becomes fruitless .
8 This concentration on behaviour ( as opposed to an inner force ) overcomes many of the difficulties of the earlier theories .
9 We were interested to see how far proposals were concentrated on particular aspects of the curriculum ( as opposed to an across-the-curriculum approach ) , how much participation there had been in arriving at the proposal , whether information-handling skills were recognised , and so on .
10 If the anti-conspiracy rhetoric were pan of an argument against the tradition , as opposed to an argument within it , then one would expect a disengagement from the ideology of conspiracy .
11 However , the applicable amount does not make a distinction between those eligible for a long-term as opposed to an ordinary rate , nor is there a distinction between a householder and non-householder , although there are additions for special needs .
12 PPB is a programme orientated , as opposed to an organization orientated , management approach which examines needs over a medium-to long-term period .
13 Yet it was this very stability which made them so potentially harmful , for their effects upon a whole ecosystem , as opposed to an individual species , were not considered before they were adopted and so , as farmers enthusiastically seized the opportunities which these new insecticides offered , little thought was given to any possible chain reaction which might follow .
14 Any Rough or Not sheet of paper as opposed to an HP surface .
15 Either he can at once accept the anticipatory breach as a repudiation and immediately claim damages or else he can refuse to accept it as a repudiation and wait until there has been actual failure to perform the contract ( as opposed to an anticipatory one ) .
16 Will there come a time when that might become so acute that the Minister would be prepared to consider an opt-out as opposed to an opt-in donor system ?
17 The aim of this research proect is firstly to identify the characteristics of an algebraic as opposed to an arithmetical approach to solving mathematical problems .
18 It is not correct to say that the Government Select Committee on Health has recommended a continuation of the current system of voluntary agreements on tobacco advertising as opposed to an EC ban .
19 The ‘ cold star ’ in question is probably meant to be the Earth as opposed to an actual star and the waking of its days to the beginnings of life .
20 A qualified audit report , as opposed to an unqualified report , should leave the reader in no doubt as to its meaning and implications .
21 The rule only applies where the subsequent abuse is a positive wrongful act as opposed to an omission .
22 For many Keynesians , and certainly Keynes himself , the celebrated ‘ problem of money wages ’ was essentially one which could only be tackled on a political as opposed to an economic front .
23 In this connection the court will , it is thought , be prepared to recognise the unavailability of cover beyond certain limits and that such top-up cover as may be arranged may only be available on an aggregate , as opposed to an " each and every claim " , basis ; ( 5 ) any limitation must be brought to the attention of the client and should be confirmed by the client in writing .
24 Trifling variations of printed conditions , or an expressed as opposed to an actual willingness to negotiate , will not avoid the section .
25 Er now I I would expect , I do n't know whether it 's worth talking about the general principle that we 're talking about different routes here and as i understand , the purpose today was to talk about the need for relief roads and I would expect at some future date , at a public enquiry when er I 'm defending er the outer blue er the outer northern route , to defend why that was chosen as opposed to an inner northern route and not rely upon the key diagram in the structure plan and the stars that are shown on there .
26 In that context , how does an outer northern relief road impact differently in terms of traffic relief on Knaresborough as opposed to an inner Northern relief road ?
27 It 's simply the reason it was done that way was to reflect a County Council decision which had been taken fairly recent times on the route of an outer as opposed to an inner .
28 But there 's a lot if we were going to talk about the m relative merits of the inner and outer today , I think er there 's quite a lot in addition to the er the traffic effects within Knaresborough which we would have to go into er er because I mean , in fact we 've and that is why I did n't include in certainly in my statement , er any defence er in any great detail of choosing an outer route as opposed to an inner route .
29 as opposed to an individual , because our staff is switching round all the time
30 More commonly , the parties ( or the court ) may consider that the matrimonial home should stand in the sole name of the wife but that the husband should be compensated by the payment of cash , or ( if cash is not available ) that the husband should have a charge on the property for a fixed amount ( as opposed to an interest in the equityas to which see Chapter 6 ) , the calling in of the charge being deferred until a specific time or happening of a specified event ( eg death of wife , remarriage of wife or youngest child attaining the age of eighteen years ) .
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