Example sentences of "as it depends [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The demand for exports ( X ) , however , is assumed to be an exogenous variable as it depends on incomes and demand conditions overseas .
2 This only confirms already-existing customary law ; and inasmuch as it depends on proving an actual intent partially or completely to destroy a particular group , it may be of only limited relevance as a basis for assessing the legality of nuclear possession or use .
3 The Derridean critique of logocentrism necessarily includes the concept of history insofar as it depends on notions of presence and meaning determined as truth .
4 Critics of Townsend argue that this is a spurious claim inasmuch as it depends on Townsend making very dubious judgements about what the social needs are of which people might be ‘ deprived ’ .
5 The profession can not be certain how much this will save , as it depends on the amount provided for when the supply estimates were settled ; but we estimate a saving of £15 million on the assumption that the Government would have provided for a 1.5% increase .
6 The degree of competition in a market is an imprecise concept , as it depends on those factors which force firms to take account of the possibility that their business will be lost to rivals if they do not satisfy their customers .
7 But such speculation is very difficult to predict as it depends on often highly volatile expectations .
8 Exactly how much less is impossible to state accurately as it depends on the rate of rainfall and consequent flows in different parts of the catchment , as well as on the water levels in the dams .
9 However , predicting what proportion of the total population the older age groups ( or any other subset of the population ) will represent is more problematic as it depends upon the number of children future generations produce .
10 Predicting the numbers of disabled elderly into the future is problematic as it depends upon the projection forward of current patterns of disability .
11 The amount of icing sugar needed can not be exact , as it depends upon the consistency of icing required for the use you have in mind .
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