Example sentences of "his [noun] before [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Vologsky adjusted himself in his flight couch , flexing his fingers before he gripped the control yoke again and prepared to switch the aircraft back to manual control .
2 He went back to counting objections off on his fingers before she could reply .
3 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
4 Carrington was lying on his bunk , fully clothed , and he told himself afterwards that he had known she was outside his cabin before she touched the handle .
5 The FCO is waiting , it says , for Ratliff to clarify his plans before it comes to a decision .
6 The police did not get his name and address or make enquiries at his workplace to check out his story before they arrested him .
7 The last he saw was a gloat in his sibling 's eyes , and a final , spiteful , vengeful lunge in his direction before he was taken away .
8 At this stage of his development the karateka seems to be able to sense the movements of his opponents before they occur , enabling him to react with blinding speed and absolute control .
9 But if he was caught with the with the crown , by his opponents before he circled them and came back to his own allies … then he had to go outside the camp , and he was called a [ maggot ! ] .
10 But it was surely natural for it to feel a flutter of impatience with a fading tradition of Edwardian Modernism that had once invited the educated reader to find metaphysical foundations to his faith before he could believe life meant anything or was worth living .
11 Gina flashed him a bright , insincere smile , wanting nothing more than to escape from his presence before she betrayed the kind of emotions which would embarrass both of them .
12 I had thought that I was the only murderer in the family , but old Eric beat me to it , killing his mum before he had even drawn breath .
13 Dada swore at him as he pulled the bit through his teeth before he could get his head up .
14 According to Reagan himself , when he appeared on the factory floor In assessing Reagan 's qualifications for the presidency his experience before he ran for elective office can not be discounted .
15 Gervaise knew of his existence before he died , and although he was n't able to acknowledge his son , he left him quite a fortune . ’
16 Among the German miscalculations that on various historical occasions have seemed Heaven-sent to save the Allies , Falkenhayn 's denial of reserves to the Crown Prince reminds one of Hitler halting his Panzers before they closed in on the BEF at Dunkirk , different though the motives may have been .
17 After a dinner at the famous Kaiserhof Hotel , chosen because Hitler had made it his headquarters before he came to power , the Joyces went back to a party at the Reichsrundfunk building .
18 He waited for a full half an hour by his watch before he opened it .
19 The clever trader secures his buyer before he makes his purchase .
20 To read Mrs McDermott 's vivid recollection of those final precious moments when she spoke to her son and tidied his hair before he ran off to play in Ormeau Park where he met his killer would melt the hardest of hearts .
21 ‘ May — ’ he started to say , but I crammed a cushion into his mouth before he could finish .
22 He owed loyalty to fitzAlan by ties of friendship as well as family , and would return her to his brother-in-law before she could blink .
23 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
24 He is lucky that he confessed his action before we discovered it , for that is all that has saved his life . ’
25 Perhaps she heard his steps before he knocked — she opened the door very quickly — and he wondered for a moment if she had been as she had when he last saw her , standing just inside the door , her head on one side , listening , as she had listened to the bombs , and to the siren she heard before it was sounded .
26 She was already by his side before she thought of how her face and hair must look .
27 After sex the man should withdraw his penis before it gets limp , as otherwise the rubber may come off .
28 The 9mm slug cut through his neck before he had unholstered his pistol .
29 Barry was unable to give the police a description of his assailant as he was always behind him and ripped out the mirror from his car before they drove to Perry 's .
30 Something flickered in his eyes before they went hard and cold again with suspicion .
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