Example sentences of "we call it [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oliver said : ‘ We call it Operation Shoestring . ’
2 If , as the above evidence suggests and as Karlsson has argued , sufferers from psychosis — whether we call it schizophrenia or affective disorder — and the highly creative do in fact share the same genes , then it may be asked : what , in psychological terms , is inherited ?
3 We call it will power , and are conscious of it within ourselves .
4 In this country we call it Medau Breathing Movement , and by ‘ breathing movement ’ we mean internal movement of the trunk , which starts with the rising and falling of the diaphragm and then communicates itself to the abdominal walls , pelvic floor , the whole back and as far as the collar bone .
5 And when words can manage something of this , and manage it in a moment in time , and in that same moment make out of it all the vital signature of a human being — not of an atom , or of a geometrical diagram , or a heap of lenses — but a human being , we call it poetry .
6 We call it electricity , but no one knows what it is .
7 We call it homicide . ’
8 Our panic and our pain are only eased by soothing fabulation ; we call it history .
9 King Alfred brought it into his translation of Boethius too , to explain why divine Providence does not affect free will : ‘ What we call God 's fore-thought and his Providence ’ , he wrote , ‘ is while it is there in His mind , before it gets done , while it 's still being thought ; but once it 's done , then we call it wyrd .
10 We call it monkey brain because it looks that way . ’
11 We call it Grill and Serve .
12 We call it Pigeon Alley .
13 ‘ We believe there is a new segment emerging ; we call it business workstations , ’ says Anil Gadre , head of product marketing at Sun .
14 So if we call it Centenary Sports Ground , the next thing that will be added to it is Brinkley , the Centenary Sports Ground , Brinkley , which is fine .
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