Example sentences of "we make a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Er , could , could we make a date ?
2 Did we make a coach for , for Toby , Henrie can you buy Henrietta ?
3 Shall we embark upon this adventure ; shall we definitely declare our hand ; shall we make a break in habit ; or a departure from principle ?
4 Can we make a proviso that the delegated action on that A item is in consultation with the local members concerned and I think that will take care of the point .
5 ‘ Shall we make a move towards it , by the way ?
6 Shall we make a move then ?
7 Shall we make a start on the taping ? ’
8 Right , shall we make a start because the time 's pressing on .
9 Erm right er can we make a start ladies and gentlemen .
10 Erm , if there are any changes , however minor , if er , could we make a point of re-issuing the procedure , after we 've decided a change .
11 ‘ Why do n't we make a list of things that have to be done ? ’ she suggested practically .
12 Can we make a note of that Jess , that erm we will need
13 Now , having no doubt asked themselves the question , ‘ How can we make a Japanese ‘ 62 re-issue Strat even more appealing ? ’
14 Can we make a joke on that , how can you
15 Teacher : Shall we make a monster 's shadow , children .
16 Why did n't we make a picnic by the lake ?
17 ‘ Where could we make a grotto , Nora ? ’
18 ‘ Come , ’ they say to one another , ‘ Let us build ourselves a city , and a tower with its top in the heavens , and let us make a name for ourselves , lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth ’ ( 11.4 ) .
19 So let us make a start .
20 Let us make a civilisation , where the sacred
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