Example sentences of "as [pron] began [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Then , just as I began to fall ,
2 As I began to reflect on this verse , I let its truth penetrate deep within me .
3 And it came to me later , as I began to love Stuart , this thought : please do n't let him be disappointed .
4 As I began to recover , the thought came : What 's skinny , and white ?
5 The very idea of this lot going back whence it came was ridiculous and the impression was reinforced as I began to push .
6 And as I began to live metaphysically , rather than simply believing in it , my everyday life became more and more magical .
7 As I began to serve more regularly I became more accepted amongst the older stalwarts of the service , my naval experience and general seamanship picked up on fishing craft and yachts standing me in good stead .
8 As I began to do while reclining there in the pouch seat .
9 So just as I began to read to see , so too I began to write to see .
10 My heat was pounding as I began to count the strokes of the church clock .
11 But as I began to feel better , I grew more terrified .
12 As the campaign proceeded , I kept quiet as I began to have a vision of some grisly post-polling day ceremony in which I would be on a platform like a performance artist from the sixties , vomiting and gagging while attempting to ingest yet another page : ‘ You 're doing okay .
13 As I began to eat , her lunch would have been in its final stages and Susan , our three-year-old , anxious to leave the table .
14 The problem , as I began to discover over the years , does n't lie with the composer , it lies with the interpreters and what is expected from the interpreters by people who have dubious taste .
15 And I was thrilled as you began to learn to feed yourself again .
16 As she began to thank him , he said drily , ‘ Bad judgment on my part .
17 They were a motley collection — these remnants of her mother 's past , she thought , as she began to put them back in the envelope .
18 Next instant , the front door opened , and as she began to descend the stairs a most unwelcome voice smote her ears .
19 This seemingly innocuous question acted upon Liz with the effect of an instant anaesthetic : as she began to answer , she could feel her jaw growing rigid in mid-word .
20 He could tell by the quality of patience in her sigh as she began to lick the sweat from his shoulder-blades .
21 Reclining on a couch , Googol appraised Meh'Lindi 's figure as she began to twitch subtly .
22 For two days he helped her and took stance at night near by , pleased to hear her breathing gradually ease and improve , and watching as she began to sleep in a less troubled way .
23 Eleanor , ’ she said again , as she began to realise that it made a lot of sense .
24 Supporting her with his right arm , his left hand strayed from her breasts to her thigh , and from there slowly completed the journey to the mouth of the Cave of Sweet Mysteries , lingering long enough to find the little temple of Min and arouse him as she began to gasp for breath , her tongue making passionate sallies into his ear .
25 ‘ I thought I 'd left that behind , ’ she murmured to him as she began to mount the stairs .
26 ‘ Could n't wait , eh ? ’ she asked , grinning as she began to undo his shirt buttons .
27 As she began to tick them off , a manservant rushed up with a magnum of champagne .
28 Her face was remote and serene ; her eyes showed only calm resolve as she began to inspect the jars on the shelf .
29 ‘ Do n't you dare presume to tell me what I need ! ’ she spat , trembling as she began to clamber on to the quayside .
30 Donna rubbed both hands across her face , her body quivering as she began to regain some warmth , some feeling in her extremities .
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