Example sentences of "as [pron] 'd done " in BNC.

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1 I prayed as I 'd done a year before when Abed had attacked Bri .
2 ‘ The regiment saw an exhibition of my work and they commissioned it — which was very brave of them , in a way , as I 'd done very little before that . ’
3 Needless to say , they went straight to the police , just as I 'd done when I received that first threat .
4 Whatever the way of it , Tina was a month ahead of Jean and had Stu with little trouble in her own bedroom instead of going into the hospital at Gore as she 'd done with Sandy .
5 She told me , as she 'd done so many times , that happiness could never be created out of the misery of other people , that Héloise was already jealous of her and unhappy because of her influence with the children . ’
6 For a couple of days now Luke had trailed her round the station , sat in her office , watched her through the glass partition of the control-room as she 'd done her interviews : everywhere she had turned , he 'd been there , and she could n't take much more .
7 He had forced his way into her life , arranged things so that she 'd had no choice but to do his bidding — and as soon as she 'd done something to make it clear that she was still her own person and not his , he 'd humiliated her .
8 of course if she told me as soon as she 'd done it
9 Let's improvise something , as we 'd done on those remarkable nights six years ago .
10 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
11 Or they might put her on a prison ship to Australia , as they 'd done with two girls from St Jude 's a couple of months ago , because — on those farms where the transported convicts worked all chained together — there was a shortage of women .
12 The closest he came to exercise was to open one eye every so often , if someone entered the room , or to open both eyes , smile , and wag his tail as he 'd done on one occasion when confronted by a housebreaker !
13 He did n't always win , and occasionally he came a cropper — just as he 'd done at Masons ' gates a few days before .
14 Pouring the wine , just as he 'd done for Marianne Novaks .
15 I 'd make it me business to er yes and course it was to his trade good jobs as he 'd done for customers , had it done so well , they told somebody else and it brought in trade , see what I mean ?
16 She wanted him to plead with her to stay with him , forever , as he 'd done once before , but this time she would accept and tell him how wrong she had been the first time .
17 Instead of returning to the dressing-room to change as she normally did , she made her way through the backstage area back into the club , determined that he should n't simply disappear without trace as he 'd done on the previous evenings .
18 Looping the loop at a Manchester airshow as he 'd done many times before in the vintage Spitfire … pilot David Moore from Horsley near Stroud misjudged the manoeuvere .
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