Example sentences of "as [pron] [is] called " in BNC.

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1 LT-GaAs as it is called , is made by molecular beam epitaxy ( MBE ) at the relatively low temperature of 200°C .
2 The Employee Development and Assistance Programme , as it is called , is part of the campaign to win greater ‘ employee involvement ’ .
3 Older Kashmiri women stick to the traditional Kashmiri form where the Kamiz ( or the Kurta as it is called in Kashmir ) is rather long , usually with a distinct waist , and the trousers are full , almost bulbous , with a deep and stiff cuff at the ankle .
4 This ‘ lift ’ , as it is called , enabled the foot of the doors to clear the manure in the yard and kept pigs off the threshing floor when the doors were open .
5 THE centuries-old five-dice game of liardice — or liar 's dice as it is called in North America — has a modern problem .
6 But he can do this : he considers the petition , or Bill , as it is called ; if he thinks there is anything in the case , he issues a writ which requires the person complained against to appear , not in a Common Law Court , but before himself , and answer the petition on oath .
7 Freud says , ‘ In those women who are sexually anaesthetic as it is called , the clitoris has stubbornly retained this sensitivity . ’
8 This is often misunderstood as cleaning oneself of contamination , but is obviously not the case as is proven by the fact that they had to clean themselves carefully before going into the bath , or mikva as it is called , so it becomes clear that it was to purify themselves spiritually , not physically .
9 ‘ Suggestive praise ’ as it is called , goes beyond this .
10 If your child seems unable to play without quarrelling you could try a ‘ token economy ’ , as it is called .
11 Therefore people can infect themselves and auto-infection , as it is called , is important to recognise as a source of infection .
12 Nevertheless if the patient is mentally and emotionally unaffected but has , for example , a pain somewhere , then the details of the pain will make up the whole case , or ‘ totality ’ as it is called , for which a similar remedy must be found .
13 This poppet , as it is called , is then damaged in an appropriate way , if the magician wishes a person harm .
14 Frequently ‘ one-trial learning ’ , as it is called , is all that is necessary .
15 This auto-haemorrhage , as it is called , is an astonishing refinement of the death-feigning strategy , implying that predators pay a great deal of attention to minute details of their prey 's condition .
16 By the end of the day the swear bag , as it is called , contained £25.35 for the poor of Adel .
17 We shall have occasion to discuss sarvodaya , as it is called , in greater detail at a later stage .
18 Like secularisation , this ‘ privatisation ’ , as it is called by sociologists , affects Christians because it affects everybody living in modernity .
19 It meant he was happy in his room at Tirionfa , as it is called , and in any case ‘ home ’ , to Nigel , was always where his bed was .
20 Mount Cook , or Aoraki ( Cloud-Piercer ) as it is called by the Maoris , has suffered from massively shrinking glaciers in recent years , which is never good for a mountain 's constitution , and heavy snowfalls with a recent warm spell have n't helped .
21 Give As You earn , as it is called , raised over £10m for charity in its first three years .
22 You will find it very much safer to use instead the thin blade known as a ‘ key-hole saw ’ or , as it is called in the form in which the blade passes into the handle and is gripped by a screw , a ‘ pad saw ’ .
23 VRT 3 , as it is called , has over 100 new features , making it easier to use but more powerful than its predecessor , according to Dimension .
24 And because it makes use of the speed of light for complicated parallel interconnections , it can still handle the large volume of calculations — or weighting as it is called — involved in the learning process quickly .
25 Posting some of the city 's bills to another address — ‘ load-shedding ’ , as it is called — is a remedy that appeals to New York politicians .
26 Much of this hraun , as it is called in Iceland , is moss-covered and liable to break off underfoot ; it is very hard on boots — and ankles !
27 The lesser rorqual ( or minke , as it is called in Norway ) is the largest of the cetaceans likely to be met with in inshore water around Shetland .
28 And be cause it makes use of the speed of light for complicated parallel interconnections , it can still handle the large volume of calculations — or weighting as it is called — involved in the learning process quickly .
29 The NIM6000 , as it is called , includes high-resolution Mbus colour graphics on the system motherboard , freeing cloners from reliance on a GX accelerator .
30 Activity in giant cells in the pontine brainstem have been shown to precede eye movements in REM sleep in animals ( or paradoxical sleep , as it is called in rodents and cats ) while there is no evidence that cortical activity can influence these cells ' discharges .
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