Example sentences of "his face have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 His face had reddened .
2 The blood was oozing out from the tip of his boot and his face had turned the usual grey colour of the soldier who had been wounded .
3 Forster was laying where they had left him , except the raw area of his face had turned into a slimy mess .
4 His face had turned quite pale and beads of perspiration had broken out across his forehead .
5 His face had turned grey .
6 His face had turned a bluish-yellow and his stomach was swollen , straining against the thin linen shirt .
7 A ruddiness in his face had given way to a pallor that was unmistakably the work of the cells .
8 His face had lost its boyish roundness , and there was the debated moustache — I had always said I did n't fancy him with one — quite splendid , and at once my prejudice vanished .
9 His face had become very white , his eyes almost sunken in their sockets .
10 His face had become cold and hard , like a face that could not smile and never had .
11 Corbett glanced at the favourite , noting how pale his face had become .
12 His face had become grim .
13 His face had become inscrutable .
14 His face had filled out , the slight hollows beneath his cheekbones owing nothing to hunger and serving only to accentuate his agreeable features ; the slight tilt of his nose , the long , Irish upper lip , the blueness of his eyes .
15 His face had coloured at the use of his Christian name , and he 'd grabbed her hand with renewed courage .
16 His face had grown so thin that as he spoke you could plainly see the elaborate machinery of his jaw setting to work with all its strings , sockets and pulleys .
17 His face had grown pale at the harshness of the rebuke and he drew a long breath before replying .
18 Since she had seen him in Marlott , his face had grown more thoughtful .
19 His face had grown hard as flint , the skin taut and bloodless .
20 The expression on his face had grown hard and grim as he 'd scanned the paper in his hands , before angrily crunching it up into a ball and hurling it into a nearby waste-paper basket .
21 Isobel glanced at her husband , and saw his face had hardened , and that his eyes were angry .
22 His face had lengthened and hardened ; the lines on his face were deeply etched .
23 His face had gone very red and looked as if it had been sprayed with water .
24 His face had gone into something soft that his nose told him was dog dirt .
25 If it was courage , his face had expressed indifference , but his back had conveyed desperation , while he had slid through the door with his body touching the wall .
26 And she could still feel the moment when hope , as his face had bent towards her , had melted into an emotion much more like disappointment .
27 His face had relaxed .
28 When he 'd left London his face had had the pinched , strained look , the hollow eyes that long illness seem to give .
29 Not only his face had changed ; imprisonment and hardship had changed his sweet good nature , too .
30 As he looked down to put his pistol away in its holster I noticed that his face had changed .
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