Example sentences of "we be [v-ing] to see " in BNC.

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1 We are hoping to see parents involved in managing and coaching , ’ added Jim .
2 We are beginning to see that concern for the whole and concern for individuals are not alternatives , rivals between which we have to choose , but at a deep level belong together .
3 We are beginning to see that even in those cases where the child and the new family intend the placement to be adoptive , adoption sometimes does not happen .
4 As we are beginning to see , however , these people generate their own rules for ordering their lives , they do not just exist in the middle of chaos .
5 The actual study skills part is running in tandem with the library Project , and we are beginning to see already … , in the third year for example [ where ] they did have library skills [ and it 's apparent from what members of staff are saying ] that … in areas where they are expected to research themselves that there has been a big improvement .
6 It is entirely right , therefore , that we are beginning to see the signs of peer assessment being employed as part of the formal assessment procedure in some institutions of higher education .
7 We are beginning to see how the whole thing fits together and again , I think , we are beginning to see a somewhat " catastrophic " picture .
8 We are beginning to see how the whole thing fits together and again , I think , we are beginning to see a somewhat " catastrophic " picture .
9 What we are beginning to see in this country — and I welcome it very much — is a sharp slowdown in the rise in unemployment .
10 We are trying to see how we can employ the whole of the defence estate , including married quarters , to help resolve the problem .
11 And I would say , Now we are starting to see the fruits of that .
12 ‘ I think we are going to see that slight pick-up disappear .
13 Until we can ram that message home , we are going to see more families robbed of their nearest and dearest in the most senseless of tragedies .
14 We are going to see a year of unparalleled crisis in the 12 months ahead .
15 ‘ Pluto is renowned for bringing up things that are buried , so we are going to see revealed things that have remained secret for years .
16 And if they do n't meet their needs , then we are going to see small firms finding trainee chartered accountants less attractive . ’
17 ‘ But you do n't happen to know the lady we are going to see ? ’
18 In all the cases examined with full verbs , the bare infinitive has evoked what could be termed a coincident actualization , and its event is not represented as beginning to exist in time before that of the main verb , as depicted by this diagram of I watched him cross the street : This does not exhaust the expressive capacity of the bare infinitive , however , as we are going to see that it can also express what we will call coincident potentiality .
19 " We are going to see a lot more casualties in the actual water and on the seabed " .
20 We are going to see a supplement war and only the strongest and the most confident and the best produced will really come out of these in a in a good way .
21 We want to keep him busy while we are waiting to see what happens with Hodkinson and the European title , ’ said Hardy 's manager , Dennie Mancini .
22 Now , under the patronage of our founder , and employing equipment surplus to the Soviet space programme , we are working to see if humans really can live in space .
23 Police added : ‘ We are investigating to see if there are any similarities to other attacks over the last few months in other parts of the country .
24 It seems the industry is just not learning because we are continuing to see the same accidents we saw 30 years ago , ’ says John Summerscales , deputy chief inspector .
25 With Wayne Rosing off to run FirstPerson , Dave Ditzel has been named acting head of Sun Microsystems Laboratories , an appointment it 'd be crazy not to make permanent : Ditzel , among his other credits , has been responsible for RISC and we 're expecting to see some interesting aspects of his handiwork soon ; Sun Labs , from whence Sun 's ideas flow , figures it 's handling the transfer of research to development better than practically anyone in the industry — the secret is moving the people with the project .
26 And we 're beginning to see her a co coming under Helen 's influence .
27 we 're beginning to see sales technique you need to , you look at .
28 For the past 10 years we 've been working on synthesising the chemical ; now we 're trying to see if the European Yew will provide the starter material for producing anti-cancer activity .
29 Oh , we 're trying to see if any pick up the nails in the wall , you know
30 And I think this is a pretty critical problem , and of course it 's not only based on Sussex schools , but it 's based on a number of schools throughout the country which we 're studying to see the effects of this programme .
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