Example sentences of "but the need for " in BNC.

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1 SHe knew it was unlikely SHe could count on Alix 's discretion , but the need for medical backup had been worth the disclosures .
2 But the need for information on this small group is evident .
3 They had been set up in response to the current level of terrorist activity , but the need for them was assessed daily .
4 The IRB professes to be the body administering world rugby , but the need for the existence of FIRA points out the IRB 's failure to take a truly world view of the game .
5 The remedy is adequate information feed-back and continuous checking but the need for this may not be obvious from the chart because the areas of overlap are difficult to illustrate .
6 Users tend not to see the errors because they 're corrected by the network software , but the need for retries slows things down .
7 But the need for a military commander certainly did not diminish during Edward 's reign — it became increasingly common for a king-duke 's lieutenant to be appointed to lead the military forces of the duchy , as well as a seneschal with largely judicial functions .
8 But the need for discrimination is plain enough .
9 If repetitive sequences are to be probed , because of the stronger expected hybridization signal , it may be possible to work with fewer slides and mitotic cells but the need for banding remains .
10 This artificial ash cliff is perhaps one of their last strongholds have also found refuge around our fire stations , protected from tramping feet and sheltered from chemical sprays these rare plants thrive in the damp salty margins alongside the ash lagoons all this within the boundaries with just a few of the country 's coal fired power stations but the need for sea walls of other coastal stations merely intake pipes to the coaling system , another world teams this is not a plant , fan worms have flowerlike mouth parts used to filter food from the sea water other worms use just two sticky tentacles to catch food shrimps forage over closely packed sea the delicate bodies of these printed vertebrates work as tiny water pumps , pulling water in one hole and pumping it through the other here two barnacles feed in the gentle flow of water over the cooling pipes from the station Marine life quickly packs the underwater structures and is about to become too thick and sometimes affect the performance of the machinery barnacles belong to the same family as crabs and lobsters , but being in their adult life standing on their head which is fixed to the concrete they use their feet to filter the water and kick food into their mouths but if they ca n't move , how do they get there so quickly in the first place ?
11 She spent the greater part of her working life trying to understand people 's needs , but the need for a God who would comfort and console and right wrongs — in the next life if not in this — although she might understand it , was something she could not uphold .
12 but the need for service staffs — that is , for people without operating responsibilities who only advise , counsel , or coordinate — shrinks drastically .
13 His choice for our meeting of the Garrick Club , that temple of self-regard for actors and political journalists , therefore seemed a touch bold , but the need for what he described with a smile as a ‘ tranquil interior ’ was a fair enough alibi .
14 But the need for close liaison goes further .
15 But the need for solitude to pull herself together was too imperative .
16 On the hon. Gentleman 's first point , there is no doubt that the duty differential in favour of unleaded petrol has been an important catalyst for the increased take-up of unleaded petrol , but the need for further changes to the duty differential is , as the hon. Gentleman knows , a matter for my right hon. Friend the Chancellor .
17 The Geneva report has 23 recommendations for research into laboratory and clinical problems , but the need for epidemiological , social , and health services research receives little attention .
18 For example , hydrodynamic stability is now one of the more highly developed theoretical branches of the subject but the need for this type of treatment of the equations of motion would not have been apparent without experimental observations of instabilities .
19 Overnight I was posted to the other end of the country and the war seemed to recede , but the need for bomber replacement became more urgent .
20 If an authorised person obtains a care order without first notifying the local authority the child may be kept in the care of the authorised person until he can be received by the local authority but the need for this should seldom arise .
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